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Latent class with continuous random parameters: LL0 and rho2

Report bugs or highlight issues with Apollo functions. At a minimum, please include the part of the output where you believe the bug is manifested. Ideally, please share your model file.
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Latent class with continuous random parameters: LL0 and rho2

Post by Peter_C »


I have a problem with the estimation of latent class model with random parameters.
When I use this model, I get an (as I think) incorrect Rho- square and Adj.Rho- square values.
I tried to run the example 21. from the website but I get the same result, which is the following:

"LL(start) : -1698.575
LL(0, whole model) : -242047
LL(final, whole model) : -1502.223
Rho-square (0) : 0.9938
Adj.Rho-square (0) : 0.9937
AIC : 3034.45
BIC : 3126.82
LL(0,Class_1) : -2420.47
LL(final,Class_1) : -2675.017
LL(0,Class_2) : -2420.47
LL(final,Class_2) : -1637.6
Estimated parameters : 15".

Can the problem come from the irreal value of LL(0)?

Best regards,
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Posts: 1072
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: Latent class with continuous random parameters

Post by stephanehess »


you found a bug - thanks! This was very specifically happening in the case of latent class models with continuous random coefficients in the class allocation component. I've just uploaded a new version of Apollo 0.1.1 on the website (

Stephane Hess
Posts: 11
Joined: 24 Aug 2020, 15:07
Location: Brazil

Re: Latent class with continuous random parameters: LL0 and rho2

Post by caldeiraga »

Hi professor Hess,

I'm estimating a Latent Class Model with a latent variable in the class alocation model. I installed version 0.1.1 but I had the same problem of Peter.
Following the code of the model:

Code: Select all

#working directory
setwd("C:\\Users\\calde\\Google Drive\\Mestrado 2019_Gabriel Caldeira\\Modelos\\OD\\Banco de dados")


rm(list = ls())

parallel::detectCores() #cores available

#read database
database <- read.csv(file = paste0(getwd(),'\\cleaning\\database_calib.csv'))

database <- database %>% 
  mutate(picomanha = case_when(h_saida >= 6 & h_saida <= 9 ~1,TRUE~0))

###Preparing environment

###Options controlling the running of the code
apollo_control = list(
  modelName  ="mnl_lc18",
  modelDescr = "latent class model",
  indivID    ="id_pess",
  mixing     = T,
  nCores     = 10

apollo_beta <- c(asc1 = 0,
                 asc2 = 0,
                 asc3 = 0,
                 #class 1
                 b_ttauto_1 = 0,
                 b_ttbus_1 = 0,
                 b_ttmetro_1 = 0,
                 b_coauto_1 = 0,
                 b_cometro_1 = 0,
                 #class 2
                 b_ttauto_2 = 0,
                 b_ttbus_2 = 0,
                 b_ttmetro_2 = 0,
                 b_coauto_2 = 0,
                 b_cometro_2 = 0,
                 #class membership
                 s_1 = 0,
                 s_2 = 0,
                 b_sexo_al = 0,
                 b_idade_al = 0,
                 b_nomorad_al = 0,
                 b_totviag_al = 0,
                 b_grau1_al = 0,
                 b_grau2_al = 0,
                 b_pico_al = 0,
                 param = 0)

#fixed parameters
apollo_fixed <- c('asc1','s_1')

#starting values
setwd('C:\\Users\\calde\\Google Drive\\Mestrado 2019_Gabriel Caldeira\\JOCM\\modelo')

apollo_beta <- apollo_readBeta(apollo_beta,apollo_fixed,'mnl_lc10',overwriteFixed = FALSE)

#criando draws
apollo_draws = list(
  interDrawsType = 'halton',
  interNDraws = 300,
  interNormDraws = c('eta')

apollo_randCoeff <- function(apollo_beta,apollo_inputs){
  randcoeff = list()
  randcoeff[['LV']] = b_sexo_al*sexod + b_idade_al*idade + b_nomorad_al*no_morad + b_totviag_al*tot_viag +
    b_grau1_al*grau1 + b_grau2_al*grau2 + b_pico_al*picomanha + eta

###Grouping latent class parameters
apollo_lcPars = function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs){
  lcpars = list()
  lcpars[['b_ttauto']] = list(b_ttauto_1,b_ttauto_2)
  lcpars[['b_ttbus']] = list(b_ttbus_1,b_ttbus_2)
  lcpars[['b_ttmetro']] = list(b_ttmetro_1,b_ttmetro_2)
  lcpars[['b_coauto']] = list(b_coauto_1,b_coauto_2)
  lcpars[['b_cometro']] = list(b_cometro_1,b_cometro_2)
  ###Class membership probabilities based on s_1, s_2: use of MNL fomrula
  V[["class_1"]] = s_1
  V[["class_2"]] = s_2 + param*LV
  ###Settings for class membership probabilities 
  mnl_settings = list(
    alternatives = c(class_1=1, class_2=2), 
    avail        = 1, 
    choiceVar    = NA, 
    V            = V
  ###Class membership probabilities
  lcpars[["pi_values"]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality="raw")

###busca pelos dados de entrada necessarios 
apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

#cosntruindo a funcao de verossimilhanca
apollo_probabilities <-  function(apollo_beta,apollo_inputs,functionality = 'estimate'){
  ###Attaches parameters and data so that variables can be referred by name
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  ###Create list for probabilities
  P = list()

  ### Define settings for MNL model component
  mnl_settings = list(
    alternatives = c(auto=3, bus=2, metro=1),
    avail        = list(auto=1, bus=1, metro=1),
    choiceVar    = choice
  ### Compute class-specific utilities
  V[['auto']]  = asc1 + b_ttauto[[1]]*tt_auto + b_coauto[[1]]*co_auto 
  V[['bus']]  = asc2 + b_ttbus[[1]]*tt_bus_otp 
  V[['metro']]  = asc3 + b_ttmetro[[1]]*tt_metro + b_cometro[[1]]*co_metro 
  ###Calculating probabilities based on MNL function for class 1
  mnl_settings$V = V
  P[[1]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
  ### Compute class-specific regrets
  R[['auto']]  = asc1 - log(1 + exp(b_ttbus[[2]]*tt_bus_otp-b_ttauto[[2]]*tt_auto)) -
    log(1 + exp(b_ttmetro[[2]]*tt_metro-b_ttauto[[2]]*tt_auto)) - log(1 + exp(b_cometro[[2]]*co_metro-b_coauto[[2]]*co_auto)) 
  R[['bus']]  = asc2 - log(1 + exp(b_ttauto[[2]]*tt_auto-b_ttbus[[2]]*tt_bus_otp)) - 
    log(1 + exp(b_ttmetro[[2]]*tt_metro-b_ttbus[[2]]*tt_bus_otp))
  R[['metro']]  = asc3 - log(1 + exp(b_ttauto[[2]]*tt_auto-b_ttmetro[[2]]*tt_metro)) - 
    log(1 + exp(b_ttbus[[2]]*tt_bus_otp-b_ttmetro[[2]]*tt_metro)) - log(1 + exp(b_coauto[[2]]*co_auto-b_cometro[[2]]*co_metro)) 
  ###Calculating probabilities based on MNL function for class 2
  mnl_settings$V = R 
  P[[2]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
  ###Calculating choice probabilities using class membership and conditional probabilities 
  lc_settings   = list(inClassProb = P, classProb=pi_values)
  P[["model"]] = apollo_lc(lc_settings, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  P = apollo_avgInterDraws(P,apollo_inputs,functionality)
  ### Prepare and return outputs of function
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
The result:
Model run using Apollo for R, version 0.1.1

Model name : mnl_lc18
Model description : usando acessos na escala logarit imica
Model run at : 2020-08-28 16:08:31
Estimation method : bfgs
Model diagnosis : successful convergence
Number of individuals : 6721
Number of observations : 6721

Number of cores used : 10
Number of inter-person draws : 300 (halton)
WARNING: Inter-person draws were used
without a panel data structure.

LL(start) : -7783.319
LL(0, whole model) : -2215132
LL(final, whole model) : -5097.986
Rho-square (0) : 0.9977
Adj.Rho-square (0) : 0.9977

AIC : 10237.97
BIC : 10381.04

LL(0,component_1) : -7383.773
LL(final,component_1) : -13989.86
LL(0,component_2) : -7383.773
LL(final,component_2) : -6798.264

Estimated parameters : 21
Time taken (hh:mm:ss) : 00:09:15.73
Iterations : 95
Min abs eigenvalue of hessian : 0.098924
Number of cores used : 1
Model without mixing
Best regards,
Site Admin
Posts: 1072
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: Latent class with continuous random parameters: LL0 and rho2

Post by stephanehess »

Thanks, this should be fixed completely now in version 0.1.1
Stephane Hess
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