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Model spec for multiple interactions between categorical attributes for DCE with scenario attributes

Ask questions about model specifications. Ideally include a mathematical explanation of your proposed model.
Post Reply
Posts: 9
Joined: 20 Jun 2023, 13:39

Model spec for multiple interactions between categorical attributes for DCE with scenario attributes

Post by Bob123 »

Dear Prof. Hess,

I have a simple unlabelled experiment in which respondents choose between two drugs: A or B, depending on 5 variables:

[QOL] - a categorical scenario variable that is included in the model as an interaction (dummy coded)
[LIFE] - expectancy - a continuous scenario variable also included in the model as an interaction
The level of [BENEFIT] the drug provides - a categorical variable (dummy coded)
How [CERT]ain we are the drug works - a categorical variable (dummy coded)
[WAIT] time until available - a continuous variable.

QOL, LIFE and BENEFIT are constant across alternatives (to ease cognitive burden for respondents) but these do vary between choice tasks. Because of this, there is no trade-off data between these attributes to produce main effect beta's. Instead, I have included interactions of these with CERT and WAIT and plan to analyse how they influence sensitivity to of the two other attributes. However, because 3/5 of my attributes are dummy-coded categorical variables, the available interactions has quickly become burdensome as there are so many to choose from, particularly for generating priors for my Bayesian design with only 10% (n=80) of my sample.

My questions:
- Instead of interacting all categorical levels of attributes together which quickly becomes cumbersome (and an over-specification), other than using common sense, what is the best way to prioritise which to include in the model?
- For example, CERT has 4 categorical levels, and QOL has 4 categorical levels. When interacting them, I have interacted the lowest level of CERT as a ref (keeping this lowest level "fixed" in Apollo_fixed) with the highest level of CERT for comparison.
-Using this strategy, you can see the categorical levels I have left out as I have marked them with a # in Apollo_beta, Apollo_fixed and in the Utility functions. To me this makes sense, as in the output, I have at least two levels to compare agains (one being kept as a reference category). Is this use of a reference category for interactions correct?

As I have so many interactions, would it be easier to "Create coefficients" for interactions of scenario variables (QOL, LIFE and BENEFIT). I have noticed many do this before the utility functions for sociodemographics? If you think this would be beneficial, would you be able to provide an example of how to do this for one of my interaction coefficients?

I would value any other feedback / guidance on my code if there is anything that you would do differently before using it to generate priors for a bayesian efficient design.

n.b. the betas here are from bots (simulation) as I don't have any data yet, but this is the model I plan to use to obtain Bayesian Priors.


Code: Select all

rm(list = ls())

### Load libraries

### Initialise code

### Set core controls
apollo_control = list(
  modelName       = "Pilot_v18_SimulationData_Randomised_05_July_2023",
  modelDescr      = "Simple MNL model with categorical data using example (simulation) (n = ~90)",
  indivID         = "RID", 
  outputDirectory = "output"

# ################################################################# #
#### LOAD DATA AND APPLY ANY TRANSFORMATIONS                     ####
# ################################################################ #

database = read.csv("pilot_v4_18_SimulationData_Randomised.csv",header=TRUE)

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE MODEL PARAMETERS                                     ####
# ################################################################# #

### Vector of parameters, including any that are kept fixed in estimation
                         asc_DrugA                 = 0,
#main effects:             
                         b_CERT_very_low           = 0,
                         b_CERT_low                = 0,
                         b_CERT_moderate           = 0,
                         b_CERT_high               = 0, 
                         b_WAIT                    = 0,

#Do not include the following QOL, 
#LIFE and BENEFIT on their 
#own as there is no trade-off
#data so cannot be estimated (constant across alternatives)
                       # b_QOL_light_work          = 0,
                       # b_QOL_no_work             = 0,
                       # b_QOL_bed_50              = 0,
                       # b_QOL_comp_disabled       = 0,
                       # b_LIFE                    = 0,
                       # b_BENEFIT_small           = 0,
                       # b_BENEFIT_substantial     = 0,
                       # b_BENEFIT_moderate        = 0,
#interaction effects 
#(with WAIT) for 
#scenario variables:              
                         b_LIFExWAIT               = 0,
                         b_QOL_light_workxWAIT     = 0, 
                         b_QOL_no_workxWAIT        = 0,
                         b_QOL_bed_50xWAIT         = 0,
                         b_QOL_comp_disabledxWAIT  = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_smallxWAIT      = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_moderatexWAIT   = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_substantialxWAIT= 0,
#interaction effects
#(with CERT) for 
#scenario variables:              
                         b_LIFExCERT_very_low                = 0,
                         b_LIFExCERT_low                     = 0,
                         b_LIFExCERT_moderate                = 0,
                         b_LIFExCERT_high                    = 0,
                         b_QOL_light_workxCERT_very_low       = 0,
                         b_QOL_light_workxCERT_low            = 0,
                         b_QOL_light_workxCERT_moderate       = 0,
                         b_QOL_light_workxCERT_high           = 0,
                        #b_QOL_no_workxCERT_very_low          = 0,
                        #b_QOL_no_workxCERT_low               = 0,
                        #b_QOL_no_workxCERT_moderate          = 0,
                        #b_QOL_no_workxCERT_high              = 0,
                         b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_very_low           = 0,
                         b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_low                = 0,
                         b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_moderate           = 0,
                         b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_high               = 0,
                         b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_very_low    = 0,
                         b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_low         = 0,
                         b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_moderate    = 0,
                         b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_high        = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_very_low        = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_low             = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_moderate        = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_high            = 0,
                         #b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_very_low     = 0,
                         #b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_low          = 0,
                         #b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_moderate     = 0,
                         #b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_high         = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_very_low  = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_low       = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_moderate  = 0,
                         b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_high      = 0)

### Vector with names (in quotes) of parameters to be kept fixed at their starting value in apollo_beta, use apollo_beta_fixed = c() if none
apollo_fixed = c(

# ################################################################# #
#### GROUP AND VALIDATE INPUTS                                   ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE MODEL AND LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION                        ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){
  ### Attach inputs and detach after function exit
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  ### Create list of probabilities P
  P = list()
  ### Create coefficients for interactions of scenario variables (QOL, LIFE and BENEFIT) ###

  ### List of utilities: these must use the same names as in mnl_settings, order is irrelevant
  V = list()
  V[["DrugA"]]  = 
    asc_DrugA                                                                    +
    b_CERT_very_low                    *  (DrugA_CERT == 1)                      + 
    b_CERT_low                         *  (DrugA_CERT == 2)                      +
    b_CERT_moderate                    *  (DrugA_CERT == 3)                      + 
    b_CERT_high                        *  (DrugA_CERT == 4)                      + 
    b_WAIT                             *   DrugA_WAIT                            +

    #Should there be brackets around these interaction effects? e.g.:
#  (b_LIFExWAIT                        *   DrugA_LIFE)  *   DrugA_WAIT           + 

#Interactions with WAIT:
    b_LIFExWAIT                        *   DrugA_LIFE  *   DrugA_WAIT           + 
    b_QOL_light_workxWAIT              * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_QOL     == 1)) +
    b_QOL_no_workxWAIT                 * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_QOL     == 2)) +
    b_QOL_bed_50xWAIT                  * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_QOL     == 3)) +
    b_QOL_comp_disabledxWAIT           * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_QOL     == 4)) +
    b_BENEFIT_smallxWAIT               * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_BENEFIT == 1)) + 
    b_BENEFIT_moderatexWAIT            * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_BENEFIT == 2)) +
    b_BENEFIT_substantialxWAIT         * ( DrugA_WAIT  *  (DrugA_BENEFIT == 3)) +     
#Interactions with CERT (all categorical levels):
    b_LIFExCERT_very_low              *   (  DrugA_CERT == 1) * DrugA_LIFE       +
    b_LIFExCERT_low                   *   (  DrugA_CERT == 2) * DrugA_LIFE       +
    b_LIFExCERT_moderate              *   (  DrugA_CERT == 3) * DrugA_LIFE       +
    b_LIFExCERT_high                  *   (  DrugA_CERT == 4) * DrugA_LIFE       +
    b_QOL_light_workxCERT_very_low      * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_QOL == 1)) +
    b_QOL_light_workxCERT_low           * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_QOL == 1)) +
    b_QOL_light_workxCERT_moderate      * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_QOL == 1)) +
    b_QOL_light_workxCERT_high          * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_QOL == 1)) +
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_very_low         * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_QOL == 2)) +   
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_low              * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_QOL == 2)) +
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_moderate         * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_QOL == 2)) +
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_high             * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_QOL == 2)) +
    b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_very_low          * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_QOL == 3)) +  
    b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_low               * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_QOL == 3)) +
    b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_moderate          * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_QOL == 3)) +
    b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_high              * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_QOL == 3)) +
    b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_very_low   * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_QOL == 4)) + 
    b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_low        * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_QOL == 4)) +
    b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_moderate   * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_QOL == 4)) +
    b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_high       * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_QOL == 4)) +
    b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_very_low       * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 1)) +
    b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_low            * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 1)) +
    b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_moderate       * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 1)) +
    b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_high           * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 1)) +
#   b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_very_low    * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 2)) +
#   b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_low         * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 2)) +
#   b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_moderate    * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 2)) +
#   b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_high        * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 2)) +
    b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_very_low * ( (DrugA_CERT == 1)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 3)) +
    b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_low      * ( (DrugA_CERT == 2)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 3)) +
    b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_moderate * ( (DrugA_CERT == 3)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 3)) +
    b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_high     * ( (DrugA_CERT == 4)  * (DrugA_BENEFIT == 3)) 
  V[["DrugB"]]  = 
    b_CERT_very_low            *  (DrugB_CERT    == 1)                   + 
    b_CERT_low                 *  (DrugB_CERT    == 2)                   +
    b_CERT_moderate            *  (DrugB_CERT    == 3)                   + 
    b_CERT_high                *  (DrugB_CERT    == 4)                   + 
    b_WAIT                     *   DrugB_WAIT                            +

 #Interactions with WAIT:
    b_LIFExWAIT                *   DrugB_WAIT  *   DrugB_LIFE            + 
    b_QOL_light_workxWAIT      * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_QOL     == 1))  +
    b_QOL_no_workxWAIT         * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_QOL     == 2))  +
    b_QOL_bed_50xWAIT          * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_QOL     == 3))  +
    b_QOL_comp_disabledxWAIT   * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_QOL     == 4))  +
    b_BENEFIT_smallxWAIT       * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_BENEFIT == 1))  + 
    b_BENEFIT_moderatexWAIT    * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_BENEFIT == 2))  +
    b_BENEFIT_substantialxWAIT * ( DrugB_WAIT  *  (DrugB_BENEFIT == 3))  +    

 #Interactions with CERT (all categorical levels):
   b_LIFExCERT_very_low              *   (DrugB_CERT == 1) * DrugB_LIFE       +
   b_LIFExCERT_low                   *   (DrugB_CERT == 2) * DrugB_LIFE       +
   b_LIFExCERT_moderate              *   (DrugB_CERT == 3) * DrugB_LIFE       +
   b_LIFExCERT_high                  *   (DrugB_CERT == 4) * DrugB_LIFE       +
   b_QOL_light_workxCERT_very_low      * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_QOL == 1)) +
   b_QOL_light_workxCERT_low           * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_QOL == 1)) +
   b_QOL_light_workxCERT_moderate      * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_QOL == 1)) +
   b_QOL_light_workxCERT_high          * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_QOL == 1)) +
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_very_low         * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_QOL == 2)) +   
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_low              * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_QOL == 2)) +
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_moderate         * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_QOL == 2)) +
#   b_QOL_no_workxCERT_high             * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_QOL == 2)) +
   b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_very_low          * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_QOL == 3)) +  
   b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_low               * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_QOL == 3)) +
   b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_moderate          * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_QOL == 3)) +
   b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_high              * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_QOL == 3)) +
   b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_very_low   * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_QOL == 4)) + 
   b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_low        * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_QOL == 4)) +
   b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_moderate   * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_QOL == 4)) +
   b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_high       * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_QOL == 4)) +
   b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_very_low       * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 1)) +
   b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_low            * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 1)) +
   b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_moderate       * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 1)) +
   b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_high           * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 1)) +
#  b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_very_low    * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 2)) +
#  b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_low         * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 2)) +
#  b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_moderate    * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 2)) +
#  b_BENEFIT_moderatexCERT_high        * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 2)) +
   b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_very_low * ( (DrugB_CERT == 1)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 3)) +
   b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_low      * ( (DrugB_CERT == 2)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 3)) +
   b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_moderate * ( (DrugB_CERT == 3)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 3)) +
   b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_high     * ( (DrugB_CERT == 4)  * (DrugB_BENEFIT == 3))    
  ### Define settings for MNL model component
  mnl_settings = list(
    alternatives  = c(DrugA=1, DrugB=2), 
    choiceVar     = CHOICE,
    utilities     = V
  ### Compute probabilities using MNL model
  P[["model"]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
  ### Take product across observation for same individual
  P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  ### Prepare and return outputs of function
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)

# ################################################################# #
#### What does apollo_probabilities return?                      ####
# ################################################################# #
#This shows you the prob of that choice being made, given a number of alternatives and choice tasks
#For example, prob of A chosen 11 time = 0.5^11 = 0.00048828125
#Not needed - just for illustration purposes
apollo_probabilities(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate")

# ################################################################# #
#### MODEL ESTIMATION                                            ####
# ################################################################# #

model = apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)

# ################################################################# #
#### MODEL OUTPUTS                                               ####
# ################################################################# #

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
#---- FORMATTED OUTPUT (TO SCREEN)                               ----
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- #


Is my use of a reference category for interactions suitable?

Code: Select all

Model name                                  : Pilot_v18_SimulationData_Randomised_05_July_2023
Model description                           : Simple MNL model with categorical data using example (simulation) (n = ~90)
Model run at                                : 2023-07-05 13:07:40.812633
Estimation method                           : bfgs
Model diagnosis                             : successful convergence
Optimisation diagnosis                      : Maximum found
     hessian properties                     : Negative definitive
     maximum eigenvalue                     : -0.672076
Number of individuals                       : 113
Number of rows in database                  : 1243
Number of modelled outcomes                 : 1243

Number of cores used                        :  1 
Model without mixing

LL(start)                                   : -861.58
LL at equal shares, LL(0)                   : -861.58
LL at observed shares, LL(C)                : -860.77
LL(final)                                   : -847.46
Rho-squared vs equal shares                  :  0.0164 
Adj.Rho-squared vs equal shares              :  -0.0161 
Rho-squared vs observed shares               :  0.0155 
Adj.Rho-squared vs observed shares           :  -0.0159 
AIC                                         :  1750.91 
BIC                                         :  1894.42 

Estimated parameters                        : 28
Time taken (hh:mm:ss)                       :  00:00:1.88 
     pre-estimation                         :  00:00:0.97 
     estimation                             :  00:00:0.23 
          initial estimation                :  00:00:0.21 
          estimation after rescaling        :  00:00:0.01 
     post-estimation                        :  00:00:0.68 
Iterations                                  :  36  
     initial estimation                     :  35 
     estimation after rescaling             :  1 

Unconstrained optimisation.

                                       Estimate        s.e.   t.rat.(0)    Rob.s.e. Rob.t.rat.(0)
asc_DrugA                               0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_CERT_very_low                         0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_CERT_low                              1.11608     0.69570      1.6043     0.66063        1.6894
b_CERT_moderate                        -0.38250     0.74456     -0.5137     0.75688       -0.5054
b_CERT_high                            -0.48795     0.72078     -0.6770     0.68442       -0.7129
b_WAIT                                  0.13674     0.36267      0.3770     0.36367        0.3760
b_LIFExWAIT                            -0.04542     0.08890     -0.5109     0.08602       -0.5281
b_QOL_light_workxWAIT                   0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_QOL_no_workxWAIT                     -0.04045     0.10128     -0.3994     0.09384       -0.4310
b_QOL_bed_50xWAIT                       0.03902     0.10375      0.3761     0.09892        0.3945
b_QOL_comp_disabledxWAIT               -0.02047     0.10155     -0.2016     0.09242       -0.2215
b_BENEFIT_smallxWAIT                    0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_BENEFIT_moderatexWAIT                -0.04383     0.11060     -0.3963     0.11628       -0.3769
b_BENEFIT_substantialxWAIT             -0.05969     0.09432     -0.6329     0.09449       -0.6317
b_LIFExCERT_very_low                    0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_LIFExCERT_low                        -0.10255     0.17848     -0.5746     0.16100       -0.6370
b_LIFExCERT_moderate                    0.18427     0.19081      0.9657     0.19251        0.9572
b_LIFExCERT_high                        0.33144     0.18911      1.7526     0.17597        1.8835
b_QOL_light_workxCERT_very_low          0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_QOL_light_workxCERT_low              -0.53769     0.32843     -1.6372     0.34599       -1.5541
b_QOL_light_workxCERT_moderate         -0.22553     0.41085     -0.5489     0.41772       -0.5399
b_QOL_light_workxCERT_high             -0.41790     0.44510     -0.9389     0.44234       -0.9447
b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_very_low              0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_low                  -0.52223     0.35169     -1.4849     0.37476       -1.3935
b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_moderate             -0.15698     0.44449     -0.3532     0.49876       -0.3147
b_QOL_bed_50xCERT_high                 -0.50979     0.55683     -0.9155     0.56118       -0.9084
b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_very_low       0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_low           -0.34493     0.34869     -0.9892     0.36309       -0.9500
b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_moderate      -0.13042     0.46721     -0.2791     0.50525       -0.2581
b_QOL_comp_disabledxCERT_high          -0.39992     0.55313     -0.7230     0.57989       -0.6896
b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_very_low           0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_low               -0.54424     0.33151     -1.6417     0.33711       -1.6144
b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_moderate          -0.39646     0.50499     -0.7851     0.51274       -0.7732
b_BENEFIT_smallxCERT_high              -0.49908     0.65097     -0.7667     0.68440       -0.7292
b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_very_low     0.00000          NA          NA          NA            NA
b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_low         -0.26905     0.29143     -0.9232     0.29456       -0.9134
b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_moderate     0.19418     0.38620      0.5028     0.38873        0.4995
b_BENEFIT_substantialxCERT_high         0.19482     0.43793      0.4449     0.43326        0.4497

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Re: Model spec for multiple interactions between categorical attributes for DCE with scenario attributes

Post by stephanehess »


I’m not sure I understand the rationale behind keeping QOL, LIFE and BENEFIT generic. You say you are concerned about burden, but is this really realistic for a respondent? And by not varying them, you are likely to get people to only focus on the attributes that vary between the alternatives.

Regarding interactions, I think you need to try all of them, as you don't know what really matters in your data. If you are careful about identification, then this is not a difficult model. You could also scan your data to see which combinations are chosen when

Regarding coding this efficiently, as you only have two alternatives, you could just work in differences in the utilities

Stephane Hess
Posts: 9
Joined: 20 Jun 2023, 13:39

Re: Model spec for multiple interactions between categorical attributes for DCE with scenario attributes

Post by Bob123 »

Dear Prof. Hess,

Thank you for your reply. The rationale behind keeping QOL, LIFE and BENEFIT generic across alternatives was because during piloting, almost everyone said there was too much information to make a choice. We found that keeping the scenario attributes constant between alternatives helped to simplify the choice task, whilst still keeping the most important attributes different between alternatives. I do understand your concern about there being 1 or 2 attributes that people pay attention to though and will reconsider this.

Just a quick follow-up on use of Apollo_fixed for interactions of categorical levels (with more than 2 levels) which I can't find an example anywhere of:

In my code from my first post, I interact each level of the scenario variables with a variable (or variable level if categorical) that change between alternatives (as if there were demographics) i.e.:

Code: Select all

  b_QOL_light_work x WAIT     
  b_QOL_no_work x WAIT        
  b_QOL_bed_50 x WAIT        
  b_QOL_comp_disabled x WAIT  
For interactions of these categorical variables, I have fixed the lowest level interaction ( b_QOL_light_work x WAIT) at its starting value in Apollo beta similar as if it were a main effect for a categorical variable e.g.:

Code: Select all

apollo_fixed = c(
-->     "b_QOL_light_workxWAIT"). <--
I can't see any example of this anywhere, but should I add 1 level of the interaction between a categorical variable with 4 levels in Apollo_fixed, so that it becomes the reference level to which the other 3 levels of interactions between QOL and WAIT can be compared?

E.g. given the output below, I have used b_QOL_light_workxWAIT as the reference-level interaction (0.00000), and compare impact on sensitivities to WAIT relative other levels of the interaction QOL_comp_disabledxWAIT (0.009852)?

Comparatively, if I don't list any level of the interaction levels (as I haven't for LIFExCERT) in Apollo_fixed, I don't get a 0.0000 level, so think I would therefore have to compare to "all other levels" of the interaction?

Code: Select all

     Estimate        s.e.   t.rat.(0)  p(1-sided)    Rob.s.e. Rob.t.rat.(0)  p(1-sided)
     asc_DrugA                   0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
     b_CERT_very_low             0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
     b_CERT_low                  0.331882     0.37602     0.88262     0.18872     0.35445       0.93634     0.17455
     b_CERT_moderate             1.265766     0.23841     5.30918   5.506e-08     0.29042       4.35839   6.551e-06
     b_CERT_high                 1.375354     0.34771     3.95550   3.819e-05     0.34988       3.93099   4.230e-05
     b_WAIT                     -0.021689     0.01490    -1.45532     0.07279     0.01539      -1.40934     0.07937
     b_LIFExWAIT              -3.4639e-04  7.8320e-04    -0.44228     0.32914  7.5223e-04      -0.46049     0.32258
--> b_QOL_light_workxWAIT       0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA             <-- 
     b_QOL_bed_50xWAIT           0.022296     0.01165     1.91353     0.02784     0.01211       1.84121     0.03280             
     b_QOL_comp_disabledxWAIT    0.009852     0.01273     0.77374     0.21954     0.01239       0.79520     0.21325             
--> b_LIFExCERT_very_low       -0.005128     0.01249    -0.41060     0.34068     0.01248      -0.41083     0.34060             <-- 
     b_LIFExCERT_low             0.006808     0.01554     0.43823     0.33061     0.01674       0.40674     0.34210
     b_LIFExCERT_moderate       -0.004929     0.01311    -0.37588     0.35350     0.01219      -0.40446     0.34294
     b_LIFExCERT_high         -2.6151e-04     0.01334    -0.01960     0.49218     0.01253      -0.02086     0.49168

If more simple to understand, in your example MNL_SP_covariates, if there were 4 purposes for trips: [1] Fun, [2] Business, [3] Family or [4] Emergency, could you set one of the interactions e.g., [1] Fun as the reference interaction in Apollo_fixed and then use this to compare the impact in shift in sensitivities for Business, Family or Emergency interactions?

Apologies, I know this is quite a convoluted example - in summary, for my interactions with a categorical variables, should I list one of the interaction levels in Apollo_fixed?

Thanks so much in advance,

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Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: Model spec for multiple interactions between categorical attributes for DCE with scenario attributes

Post by stephanehess »


including a parameter in apollo_fixed keeps it at its starting value. If that starting value is 0, then including a parameter in apollo_fixed has the same effect as not including the parameter in the model at all. The only benefit is that it appears in your ouput, so you can explicitly see what the reference level is. But it doesn't change anything else, including interpretation.

In relation to your specification question, you need to just think about what is identifiable. With a K level categorical variable, you can estimate K-1 main effects. If you then want to interact this with a L level categorical variable, then you can interact each of these K-1 levels with L-1 levels of the other variable, in addition to the main effect

Stephane Hess
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