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Error in LCNL model

Ask questions about the results reported after estimation. If the output includes errors, please include your model code if possible.
Post Reply
Chunyu Song
Posts: 5
Joined: 11 Aug 2022, 09:58

Error in LCNL model

Post by Chunyu Song »

Dear Apollo team,

I'm estimating individuals' mode choice using LCNL (Latent Class Nested Logit) model. The model is made-up of 4 choice sets (bus, railway, highway and airline), each of which contains 4 continuous variables (cost, access time, journey time and frequency) with 3 levels and 1 dummy variable (seat comfort) with 3 levels. However, when estimating the model I run into the following warning message:

(b_seatAm= seat_comfort_average*male
b_seatGm= seat_comfort_good*male)

Warning message:
In sqrt(diag(varcov)) : NaNs produced

I am using the following code to estimate the model:

Code: Select all

### Clear memory
rm(list = ls())

### Load Apollo library

### Initialise code

apollo_control = list(
  modelName ="Apollo_example_20_LC-NL-SCY",
  modelDescr ="LC model with class allocation model",
  indivID ="ID",
  nCores = 6
database = read.csv("D:\\QDU\\zhoudao\\Apollo\\mode choice-Apollo\\Apollo-mode choice-SCY.csv",header = TRUE)
database = subset(database,database$SP==1)
## scaled variables
apollo_beta = c(asc_bus_c1 = 0,
                asc_train_c1 = 0,
                asc_high_c1 = 0,
                asc_air_c1 = 0,
                b_cost_c1 = 0,
                b_acct_c1 = 0,
                b_jourt_c1 = 0,
                b_freq_c1 = 0,
                b_seat_P_c1 = 0,
                b_seat_A_c1 = 0,
                b_seat_G_c1 = 0,
                lambda_A_c1 = 1,
                lambda_B_c1 = 0.5,
                lambda_C_c1 = 1,
                delta_c1 = 0,
                asc_bus_c2 = 0,
                asc_train_c2 = 0,
                asc_high_c2 = 0,
                asc_air_c2 = 0,
                b_cost_c2 = 0,
                b_acct_c2 = 0,
                b_jourt_c2 = 0,
                b_freq_c2 = 0,
                b_seat_P_c2 = 0,
                b_seat_A_c2 = 0,
                b_seat_G_c2 = 0,
                lambda_A_c2 = 1,
                lambda_B_c2 = 0.5,
                lambda_C_c2 = 1,
                delta_c2 = 0,
                b_seatAm_c1 = 0,
                b_seatGm_c1 = 0,
                b_seatAm_c2 = 0,
                b_seatGm_c2 = 0
apollo_fixed = c("asc_bus_c1","asc_bus_c2","delta_c2","lambda_A_c1","lambda_A_c2","lambda_C_c1","lambda_C_c2","b_seat_P_c1","b_seat_P_c2")

## Define latent class components
apollo_lcPars = function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs){
  lcpars = list()
  lcpars[["b_cost"]] = list(b_cost_c1,b_cost_c2)
  lcpars[["b_acct"]] = list(b_acct_c1,b_acct_c2)

  lcpars[["b_jourt"]] = list(b_jourt_c1,b_jourt_c2)
  lcpars[["b_freq"]] = list(b_freq_c1, b_freq_c2)
  lcpars[["b_seat_P"]] = list(b_seat_P_c1,b_seat_P_c2)
  lcpars[["b_seat_A"]] = list(b_seat_A_c1,b_seat_A_c2)
  lcpars[["b_seat_G"]] = list(b_seat_G_c1,b_seat_G_c2)
  lcpars[["asc_train"]] = list(asc_train_c1,asc_train_c2)
  lcpars[["asc_high"]] = list(asc_high_c1,asc_high_c2)
  lcpars[["asc_air"]] = list(asc_air_c1,asc_air_c2)
  lcpars[["b_seatAm"]] = list (b_seatAm_c1,b_seatAm_c2)
  lcpars[["b_seatGm"]] = list(b_seatGm_c1,b_seatGm_c2)

  #Utilities of class allocation model
  V = list()
  V[["class_1"]] = delta_c1
  V[["class_2"]] = delta_c2

  classAlloc_settings = list(
    classes      = c(class_1=1, class_2=2), 
    utilities    = V
  lcpars[["pi_values"]] = apollo_classAlloc(classAlloc_settings)

### Group and validate inputs
apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

### Define model and likelihood function

apollo_probabilities = function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality = "estimate"){
  ## Attach inputs and detach after function exit
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  ### Create list of probabilities P
  P = list()

  ### Specify nests for NL model
  nlNests = list()
  nlNests[[1]] = list(root=1, A_c1=lambda_A_c1, B_c1 = lambda_B_c1, C_c1 = lambda_C_c1)
  nlNests[[2]] = list(root=1,A_c2=lambda_A_c2, B_c2 = lambda_B_c2, C_c2 = lambda_C_c2)

  nlStructure = list()
  nlStructure[[1]] = list()
  nlStructure[[2]] = list()

  nlStructure[[1]][["root"]] = c("A_c1","B_c1","C_c1")
  nlStructure[[2]][["root"]] = c("A_c2","B_c2","C_c2")

  nlStructure[[1]][["A_c1"]] = c("bus")
  nlStructure[[1]][["B_c1"]] = c("train","high")
  nlStructure[[1]][["C_c1"]] = c("air")
  nlStructure[[2]][["A_c2"]] = c("bus")
  nlStructure[[2]][["B_c2"]] = c("train","high")
  nlStructure[[2]][["C_c2"]] = c("air")

  nl_settings <- list(
    alternatives = c(bus=1, train=2, high=3, air=4),
    avail = list(bus=av_bus, train=av_train, high=av_high, air=av_air),
    choiceVar = choice,
    nlNests = nlNests,
    nlStructure = nlStructure

  ### Loop over classes
    ### Compute class-specific utilities
    V[['bus']] =                    b_cost[[s]] * cost_bus +   b_acct[[s]] * acct_bus  +   b_jourt[[s]] * jourt_bus +   b_freq[[s]] * freq_bus +   b_seat_P[[s]] * (seat_bus==1) +   b_seat_A[[s]] * (seat_bus==2) +   b_seat_G[[s]] * (seat_bus==3) +  b_seatAm[[s]]*((seat_bus==2)*male) + b_seatGm[[s]]*((seat_bus==3)*male)
    V[['train']] = asc_train[[s]] + b_cost[[s]] * cost_train + b_acct[[s]] * acct_train  + b_jourt[[s]] * jourt_train + b_freq[[s]] * freq_train + b_seat_P[[s]] * (seat_train==1) + b_seat_A[[s]] * (seat_train==2) + b_seat_G[[s]] * (seat_train==3)+ b_seatAm[[s]]*((seat_train==2)*male)+b_seatGm[[s]]*((seat_train==3)*male)
    V[['high']] =  asc_high[[s]] +  b_cost[[s]] * cost_high +  b_acct[[s]] * acct_high  +  b_jourt[[s]] * jourt_high +  b_freq[[s]] * freq_high +  b_seat_P[[s]] * (seat_high==1) +  b_seat_A[[s]] * (seat_high==2) +  b_seat_G[[s]] * (seat_high==3) + b_seatAm[[s]]*((seat_high==2)*male)+ b_seatGm[[s]]*((seat_high==3)*male)
    V[['air']] =   asc_air[[s]] +   b_cost[[s]] * cost_air +   b_acct[[s]] * acct_air +    b_jourt[[s]] * jourt_air +   b_freq[[s]] * freq_air +   b_seat_P[[s]] * (seat_air==1) +   b_seat_A[[s]] * (seat_air==2) +   b_seat_G[[s]] * (seat_air==3) +  b_seatAm[[s]]*((seat_air==2)*male)+  b_seatGm[[s]]*((seat_air==3)*male)
    nl_settings$V = V
    nl_settings$nlNests = nlNests[[s]]
    nl_settings$nlStructure = nlStructure[[s]]
    P[[s]] = apollo_nl(nl_settings, functionality)
    P[[s]] = apollo_panelProd(P[[s]],apollo_inputs,functionality)
  lc_settings = list(inClassProb = P, classProb=pi_values)
  P[["model"]] = apollo_lc(lc_settings,apollo_inputs,functionality)
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P,apollo_inputs,functionality)

model = apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities,apollo_inputs)
apollo_modelOutput(model,modelOutput_settings = list(printPVal=TRUE))
And, the outputs are as follows:

Code: Select all

Warning message:
In sqrt(diag(varcov)) : NaNs produced
> apollo_modelOutput(model,modelOutput_settings = list(printPVal=TRUE))
Model run by lenovo using Apollo 0.2.7 on R 4.2.1 for Windows.

Model name                       : Apollo_example_20_LC-NL-SCY
Model description                : LC model with class allocation model
Model run at                     : 2023-05-06 16:04:02
Estimation method                : bfgs
Model diagnosis                  : successful convergence 
Number of individuals            : 439
Number of rows in database       : 2634
Number of modelled outcomes      : 7902
                               1 : 2634
                               2 : 2634
                           model : 2634

Number of cores used             :  6 
Model without mixing

LL(start)                        : -3936.22
LL(0, whole model)               : -3651.5
LL(C, whole model)               : -3028.74
LL(final, whole model)           : -2629.62
Rho-square (0)                   :  0.2799 
Adj.Rho-square (0)               :  0.273 
Rho-square (C)                   :  0.1318 
Adj.Rho-square (C)               :  0.1235 
AIC                              :  5309.25 
BIC                              :  5483.62 

LL(0,component_1)                : -3651.5
LL(final,component_1)            : -Inf Likelihood equal to zero for at least
                                        one individual in this component.
LL(0,component_2)                : -3651.5
LL(final,component_2)            : -Inf Likelihood equal to zero for at least
                                        one individual in this component.

Estimated parameters             :  25
Time taken (hh:mm:ss)            :  00:02:9.77 
     pre-estimation              :  00:00:9.32 
     estimation                  :  00:01:23.39 
     post-estimation             :  00:00:37.06 
Iterations                       :  129  
Min abs eigenvalue of Hessian    :  1431139 
Some eigenvalues of Hessian are positive, indicating potential problems!

Unconstrained optimisation.

                Estimate        s.e.   t.rat.(0)  p(1-sided)    Rob.s.e. Rob.t.rat.(0)  p(1-sided)
asc_bus_c1      0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
asc_train_c1    3.248857         NaN         NaN         NaN    0.001106    2938.38622     0.00000
asc_high_c1     3.096513         NaN         NaN         NaN    0.001508    2053.82939     0.00000
asc_air_c1      1.846577    0.065261    28.29523    0.000000    0.123262      14.98096     0.00000
b_cost_c1      -0.001809         NaN         NaN         NaN   7.643e-06    -236.62763     0.00000
b_acct_c1      -0.150757         NaN         NaN         NaN    0.026421      -5.70598   5.784e-09
b_jourt_c1     -0.197729         NaN         NaN         NaN  1.5580e-04   -1269.09841     0.00000
b_freq_c1       0.014161         NaN         NaN         NaN  7.9082e-04      17.90612     0.00000
b_seat_P_c1     0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
b_seat_A_c1     0.167447    0.008071    20.74793    0.000000    0.002400      69.78094     0.00000
b_seat_G_c1    -0.040720         NaN         NaN         NaN    0.002171     -18.75382     0.00000
lambda_A_c1     1.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
lambda_B_c1     0.007403         NaN         NaN         NaN    0.001313       5.63643   8.681e-09
lambda_C_c1     1.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
delta_c1        0.162121    0.099651     1.62689    0.051880    0.104840       1.54638     0.06101
asc_bus_c2      0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
asc_train_c2    0.872793    0.131832     6.62049   1.790e-11    0.161702       5.39753   3.378e-08
asc_high_c2     0.946578    0.150436     6.29221   1.565e-10    0.144131       6.56750   2.558e-11
asc_air_c2     -0.013408    0.228424    -0.05870    0.476597    0.247061      -0.05427     0.47836
b_cost_c2      -0.003953  6.1395e-04    -6.43865   6.027e-11  6.7848e-04      -5.82625   2.834e-09
b_acct_c2      -0.255237    0.099688    -2.56035    0.005228    0.079069      -3.22804  6.2322e-04
b_jourt_c2     -0.038368    0.014965    -2.56384    0.005176    0.012041      -3.18652  7.1997e-04
b_freq_c2       0.002302    0.005912     0.38938    0.348499    0.004756       0.48400     0.31419
b_seat_P_c2     0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
b_seat_A_c2     0.577226    0.112626     5.12518   1.486e-07    0.115537       4.99603   2.926e-07
b_seat_G_c2     0.767851    0.110701     6.93629   2.013e-12    0.130821       5.86947   2.186e-09
lambda_A_c2     1.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
lambda_B_c2     0.659898    0.148464     4.44483   4.398e-06    0.134554       4.90435   4.687e-07
lambda_C_c2     1.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
delta_c2        0.000000          NA          NA          NA          NA            NA          NA
b_seatAm_c1     0.007009    0.004399     1.59340    0.055535    0.004567       1.53484     0.06241
b_seatGm_c1     0.005471    0.003246     1.68586    0.045912    0.004424       1.23663     0.10811
b_seatAm_c2    -0.586488    0.147873    -3.96618   3.652e-05    0.172829      -3.39347  3.4507e-04
b_seatGm_c2    -0.639784    0.159948    -3.99994   3.168e-05    0.188321      -3.39731  3.4026e-04

Nesting structure for NL model component 1:
Nest: root (1)
|-Nest: A_c1 (1)
|  '-Alternative: bus
|-Nest: B_c1 (0.0074)
|  |-Alternative: train
|  '-Alternative: high
'-Nest: C_c1 (1)
   '-Alternative: air

Nesting structure for NL model component 2:
Nest: root (1)
|-Nest: A_c2 (1)
|  '-Alternative: bus
|-Nest: B_c2 (0.6599)
|  |-Alternative: train
|  '-Alternative: high
'-Nest: C_c2 (1)
   '-Alternative: air

Summary of class allocation for LC model component :
         Mean prob.
Class_1      0.7317
Class_2      0.2683

Do you have any idea what is happening and is there any way to resolve this issue?

Best regards, Chunyu Song
Site Admin
Posts: 1046
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: Error in LCNL model

Post by stephanehess »


this looks like an overspecification or other identification issue. Did you start with a NL model without the latent class structure? Did that work fine?

Stephane Hess
Chunyu Song
Posts: 5
Joined: 11 Aug 2022, 09:58

Re: Error in LCNL model

Post by Chunyu Song »

Dear Stephane

Thanks for your reply, I have tested the NL model without the latent class structure, and the results were fine.

Chunyu Song
Last edited by Chunyu Song on 16 May 2023, 08:55, edited 2 times in total.
Site Admin
Posts: 1046
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: Error in LCNL model

Post by stephanehess »

it looks like the issue could be that your nesting parameter goes almost to zero in one of the classes
Stephane Hess
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