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same code same data different "Number of modelled outcome"s

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 22:26
by manes
Hi all,
I have estimated an MMNL model with one latent variable using Apollo 0.2.9 on R 4.3.1
I have 723 respondents answering 4 menus each with four alternatives (so the Number of modelled outcomes should be 11568)
When I ran the model again using Apollo 0.3.1 on R 4.3.2, for some reason, the Number of modelled outcomes: 5061, the Model diagnosis was : Relative function convergence and obviously, the estimated parameters were different
The code files are exactly the same, the only difference is that in the old versioned file, I did not specify the "rows=(task==1)" for the LV estimation.
I could not attach the output files as this format is not accepted.
Any idea what could have led to these different estimation results (same code, same data) ?

Re: same code same data different "Number of modelled outcome"s

Posted: 02 Mar 2024, 10:45
by manes
I think that understand the problem, the correct number of models is indeed 5061 = 723*7, I should have specified the "rows=(task==1)" for the LV estimation. I just don't understand how it converged in the previous version (0.2.9).

Re: same code same data different "Number of modelled outcome"s

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 22:55
by stephanehess

modelled outcomes is the number of separate dependent variable observations. Relative function convergence is the BGW terminology for convergence.

Using rows=(task==1) is correct, and will indeed give you different estimates as you don't overstate the weight for the measurement model part
