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Unexpected numeric error while estimating eMDC2 model

Posted: 26 Nov 2023, 18:08
by Pigouvian
Dear Prof. Hess and Dr. Palma,

I am working on estimating an eMDC2 model that incorporates an implicit budget. The goal is to analyze travel time spent on trip purposes based on individuals' socio-economic profiles and I am not considering any outside good in my model estimation.

However, I am getting the following error message: unexpected numeric constant.

Could you please check my code and fix the issue?

My code is as follows:

Code: Select all

# ################################################################# #
#### LOAD LIBRARY AND DEFINE CORE SETTINGS                       ####
# ################################################################# #

### Clear memory and initialise
rm(list = ls())

### Set core controls
apollo_control = list(
  modelName  ="eMDC_without_budget",
  modelDescr ="Extended MDC with complementarity and substitution, with unobserved budget and socio-demographics",
  indivID    ="UserID",

# ################################################################# #
#### LOAD DATA AND APPLY ANY TRANSFORMATIONS                     ####
# ################################################################# #

database = read.csv("Tokyo_data_apollo.csv")

### Randomly split dataset into estimation (70%) and validation (30%)
database$validation <- runif(nrow(database))>0.7
dbVal    <- database[ database$validation,] # validation sample
database <- database[!database$validation,] # estimation sample

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE MODEL PARAMETERS                                     ####
# ################################################################# #

### Parameters starting values c(name1=value1, name2=value2, ...)
apollo_beta = c(
                # Base utility of inside goods

                bBusiness_trip     = 0,                 
                bWork_trip         = 0,                
                bRestaurant_trip   = 0,
                bHospital_trip     = 0,
                bLeisure_trip      = 0,
                bAltruistic_trip   = 0,
                bShopping_trip     = 0,
                bStrolling         = 0,

                bBusiness_trip_Female             = 0,  
                bBusiness_Age_30_49               = 0, 
                bBusiness_Age_above_50            = 0, 
                bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_car    = 0,
                bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_train  = 0,
                bBusiness_trip_Car_ownership      = 0,

                bWork_trip_Female                 = 0,  
                bWork_Age_30_49                   = 0, 
                bWork_Age_above_50                = 0, 
                bWork_trip_Mode_choice_car        = 0,
                bWork_trip_Mode_choice_subway     = 0,
                bWork_trip_Mode_choice_train      = 0,

                bRestaurant_trip_Female            = 0,
                bRestaurant_Housewife_Househusband = 0,
                bRestaurant_Car_ownership          = 0,
                bRestaurant_Unemployed             = 0,
                bRestaurant_Mode_choice_car        = 0,

                bHospital_trip_Age_above_50           = 0,
                bHospital_trip_Female                 = 0,
                bHospital_trip_Housewife_Househusband = 0,

                bLeisure_trip_Female                  = 0,
                bLeisure_trip_Mode_choice_train       = 0,

                bAltruistic_trip_Female                 = 0,
                bAltruistic_Unemployed                  = 0,
                bAltruistic_Housewife_Househusband      = 0,
                bAltruistic_Part_time                   = 0,

                bShopping_trip_Female                      = 0,
                bShopping_trip_Housewife_Househusband      = 0,

                bStrolling_Housewife_Househusband    = 0,
                bStrolling_Age_above_50              = 0,
                bStrolling_Unemployed                = 0,
                bStrolling_Part_time                 = 0,

                # Satiation
                sBusiness_trip     = 0,                 
                sWork_trip         = 0,                
                sRestaurant_trip   = 0,
                sHospital_trip     = 0,
                sLeisure_trip      = 0,
                sAltruistic_trip   = 0,
                sShopping_trip     = 0,
                sStrolling         = 0,

                # Complementarity and substitution
                dBusWork           = 1, 
                dShopStrol         = 0, 
                dShopRes           = 0, 
                dShopLeis          = 0, 
                dAltHosp           = 0, 
                dAltStrol          = 0, 

                # S.d. of error term
                sigma        = 1)

### Names of fixed parameters
apollo_fixed = c('dBusWork')

# ################################################################# #
#### GROUP AND VALIDATE INPUTS                                   ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE MODEL AND LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION                        ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, 
  ### Initialise
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  P = list()

 ### Prepare Inputs
  alts  = c("Business_trip", "Work_trip", "Restaurant_trip", "Hospital_trip", "Leisure_trip", "Altruistic_trip", "Shopping_trip", "Strolling")
  nAlt = length(alts)
  ones = setNames(as.list(rep(1, nAlt)), alts)
  continuousChoice = list(Business_trip    =     Business_trip,
                          Work_trip        =     Work_trip,
                          Restaurant_trip  =     Restaurant_trip,
                          Hospital_trip    =     Hospital_trip,
                          Leisure_trip     =     Leisure_trip,
                          Altruistic_trip  =     Altruistic_trip,
                          Shopping_trip    =     Shopping_trip,
                          Strolling        =     Strolling)

utilities = list(
    Business_trip      = bBusiness_trip + bBusiness_trip_Female*Female + bBusiness_Age_30_49*Age_30_49 +  bBusiness_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 +  
                         bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car +  bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train + bBusiness_trip_Car_ownership*Car_ownership ,

    Work_trip      = bWork_trip + bWork_trip_Female*Female + bWork_Age_30_49*Age_30_49 +  bWork_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 +  
                     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car +  bWork_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train + bWork_trip_Mode_choice_subway*Mode_choice_subway,
    Restaurant_trip = bRestaurant_trip + bRestaurant_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + bRestaurant_trip_Female*Female + bRestaurant_Car_ownership*Car_ownership + 
                      bRestaurant_Unemployed*Unemployed + bRestaurant_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car,

    Hospital_trip   = bHospital_trip + bHospital_trip_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 + bHospital_trip_Female*Female + bHospital_trip_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband,

    Leisure_trip    = bLeisure_trip + bLeisure_trip_Female*Female + bLeisure_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train,

    Altruistic_trip = bAltruistic_trip + bAltruistic_trip_Female*Female + bAltruistic_Unemployed*Unemployed + bAltruistic_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + 

    Shopping_trip   = bShopping_trip + bShopping_trip_Female*Female + bShopping_trip_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband,

    Strolling       = bStrolling + bStrolling_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + bStrolling_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 + bStrolling_Unemployed*Unemployed + 
gamma = list   (Business_trip     = sBusiness_trip,    
                Work_trip         = sWork_trip,                         
                Restaurant_trip   = sRestaurant_trip,  
                Hospital_trip     = sHospital_trip,     
                Leisure_trip      = sLeisure_trip,      
                Altruistic_trip   = sAltruistic_trip,   
                Shopping_trip     = sShopping_trip,    
                Strolling         = sStrolling)

delta <- c  (0,              0,              0,                    0,                            
             dShopStrol,     0,              0,                    0,                            
             dShopRes,       dAltStrol,      0,                    0,                             
             dShopLeis,      dAltHosp,       dBusWork              0)

delta <- matrix(delta, nrow=nAlt, ncol=nAlt, byrow=TRUE)

emdc_settings <- list(continuousChoice = continuousChoice, 
                        avail            = ones,
                        utilities        = utilities, 
                        gamma            = gamma, 
                        delta            = delta, 
                        cost             = ones,
                        sigma            = sigma)
  P[["model"]] = apollo_emdc(emdc_settings, functionality)

### Comment out as necessary
  P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)

# ################################################################# #
#### MODEL ESTIMATION & OUTPUT                                   ####
# ################################################################# #

model = apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, 
                        apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)

Re: Unexpected numeric error while estimating eMDC2 model

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 10:29
by stephanehess

can you please show us the full output, i.e. where the error occurs


Re: Unexpected numeric error while estimating eMDC2 model

Posted: 28 Nov 2023, 13:57
by Pigouvian
Thank you Prof. Hess for prompt response.
Please find below the running code for the mentioned problem:

Code: Select all

Apollo ignition sequence completed
> ### Set core controls
> apollo_control = list(
+     modelName  ="eMDC_without_budget",
+     modelDescr ="Extended MDC with complementarity and substitution, with unobserved budget and socio-demographics",
+     indivID    ="UserID",
+     outputDirectory="output"
+ )
> # ################################################################# #
> #### LOAD DATA AND APPLY ANY TRANSFORMATIONS                     ####
> # ################################################################# #
> database = read.csv("Tokyo_data_apollo.csv")
> ### Randomly split dataset into estimation (70%) and validation (30%)
> set.seed(1)
> database$validation <- runif(nrow(database))>0.7
> dbVal    <- database[ database$validation,] # validation sample
> database <- database[!database$validation,] # estimation sample
> # ################################################################# #
> #### DEFINE MODEL PARAMETERS                                     ####
> # ################################################################# #
> ### Parameters starting values c(name1=value1, name2=value2, ...)
> apollo_beta = c(
+     # Base utility of inside goods
+     bBusiness_trip     = 0,                 
+     bWork_trip         = 0,                
+     bRestaurant_trip   = 0,
+     bHospital_trip     = 0,
+     bLeisure_trip      = 0,
+     bAltruistic_trip   = 0,
+     bShopping_trip     = 0,
+     bStrolling         = 0,
+     bBusiness_trip_Female             = 0,  
+     bBusiness_Age_30_49               = 0, 
+     bBusiness_Age_above_50            = 0, 
+     bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_car    = 0,
+     bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_train  = 0,
+     bBusiness_trip_Car_ownership      = 0,
+     bWork_trip_Female                 = 0,  
+     bWork_Age_30_49                   = 0, 
+     bWork_Age_above_50                = 0, 
+     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_car        = 0,
+     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_subway     = 0,
+     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_train      = 0,
+     bRestaurant_trip_Female            = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Housewife_Househusband = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Car_ownership          = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Unemployed             = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Mode_choice_car        = 0,
+     bHospital_trip_Age_above_50           = 0,
+     bHospital_trip_Female                 = 0,
+     bHospital_trip_Housewife_Househusband = 0,
+     bLeisure_trip_Female                  = 0,
+     bLeisure_trip_Mode_choice_train       = 0,
+     bAltruistic_trip_Female                 = 0,
+     bAltruistic_Unemployed                  = 0,
+     bAltruistic_Housewife_Househusband      = 0,
+     bAltruistic_Part_time                   = 0,
+     bShopping_trip_Female                      = 0,
+     bShopping_trip_Housewife_Househusband      = 0,
+     bStrolling_Housewife_Househusband    = 0,
+     bStrolling_Age_above_50              = 0,
+     bStrolling_Unemployed                = 0,
+     bStrolling_Part_time                 = 0,
+     # Satiation
+     sBusiness_trip     = 0,                 
+     sWork_trip         = 0,                
+     sRestaurant_trip   = 0,
+     sHospital_trip     = 0,
+     sLeisure_trip      = 0,
+     sAltruistic_trip   = 0,
+     sShopping_trip     = 0,
+     sStrolling         = 0,
+     # Complementarity and substitution
+     dBusWork           = 1, 
+     dShopStrol         = 0, 
+     dShopRes           = 0, 
+     dShopLeis          = 0, 
+     dAltHosp           = 0, 
+     dAltStrol          = 0, 
+     # S.d. of error term
+     sigma        = 1)
> ### Names of fixed parameters
> apollo_fixed = c('dBusWork')
> # ################################################################# #
> #### GROUP AND VALIDATE INPUTS                                   ####
> # ################################################################# #
> apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()
Several observations per individual detected based on the value of UserID. Setting panelData in apollo_control
  set to TRUE.
All checks on apollo_control completed.
All checks on database completed.
> # ################################################################# #
> #### DEFINE MODEL AND LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION                        ####
> # ################################################################# #
> apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, 
+                               functionality="estimate"){
+     ### Initialise
+     apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
+     on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
+     P = list()
+     ### Prepare Inputs
+     alts  = c("Business_trip", "Work_trip", "Restaurant_trip", "Hospital_trip", "Leisure_trip", "Altruistic_trip", "Shopping_trip", "Strolling")
+     nAlt = length(alts)
+     ones = setNames(as.list(rep(1, nAlt)), alts)
+     continuousChoice = list(Business_trip    =     Business_trip,
+                             Work_trip        =     Work_trip,
+                             Restaurant_trip  =     Restaurant_trip,
+                             Hospital_trip    =     Hospital_trip,
+                             Leisure_trip     =     Leisure_trip,
+                             Altruistic_trip  =     Altruistic_trip,
+                             Shopping_trip    =     Shopping_trip,
+                             Strolling        =     Strolling)
+     utilities = list(
+         Business_trip      = bBusiness_trip + bBusiness_trip_Female*Female + bBusiness_Age_30_49*Age_30_49 +  bBusiness_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 +  
+             bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car +  bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train + bBusiness_trip_Car_ownership*Car_ownership ,
+         Work_trip      = bWork_trip + bWork_trip_Female*Female + bWork_Age_30_49*Age_30_49 +  bWork_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 +  
+             bWork_trip_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car +  bWork_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train + bWork_trip_Mode_choice_subway*Mode_choice_subway,
+         Restaurant_trip = bRestaurant_trip + bRestaurant_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + bRestaurant_trip_Female*Female + bRestaurant_Car_ownership*Car_ownership + 
+             bRestaurant_Unemployed*Unemployed + bRestaurant_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car,
+         Hospital_trip   = bHospital_trip + bHospital_trip_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 + bHospital_trip_Female*Female + bHospital_trip_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband,
+         Leisure_trip    = bLeisure_trip + bLeisure_trip_Female*Female + bLeisure_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train,
+         Altruistic_trip = bAltruistic_trip + bAltruistic_trip_Female*Female + bAltruistic_Unemployed*Unemployed + bAltruistic_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + 
+             bAltruistic_Part_time*Part_time,
+         Shopping_trip   = bShopping_trip + bShopping_trip_Female*Female + bShopping_trip_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband,
+         Strolling       = bStrolling + bStrolling_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + bStrolling_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 + bStrolling_Unemployed*Unemployed + 
+             bStrolling_Part_time*bStrolling_Part_time
+     )
+     gamma = list   (Business_trip     = sBusiness_trip,    
+                     Work_trip         = sWork_trip,                         
+                     Restaurant_trip   = sRestaurant_trip,  
+                     Hospital_trip     = sHospital_trip,     
+                     Leisure_trip      = sLeisure_trip,      
+                     Altruistic_trip   = sAltruistic_trip,   
+                     Shopping_trip     = sShopping_trip,    
+                     Strolling         = sStrolling)
+     delta <- c  (0,              0,              0,                    0,                            
+                  dShopStrol,     0,              0,                    0,                            
+                  dShopRes,       dAltStrol,      0,                    0,                             
+                  dShopLeis,      dAltHosp,       dBusWork              0)
Error: unexpected numeric constant in:
"                 dShopRes,       dAltStrol,      0,                    0,                             
                 dShopLeis,      dAltHosp,       dBusWork              0"
>     delta <- matrix(delta, nrow=nAlt, ncol=nAlt, byrow=TRUE)
Error in matrix(delta, nrow = nAlt, ncol = nAlt, byrow = TRUE) : 
  object 'delta' not found
>     emdc_settings <- list(continuousChoice = continuousChoice, 
+                           avail            = ones,
+                           utilities        = utilities, 
+                           gamma            = gamma, 
+                           delta            = delta, 
+                           cost             = ones,
+                           sigma            = sigma)
Error: object 'continuousChoice' not found
>     P[["model"]] = apollo_emdc(emdc_settings, functionality)
Error in apollo_emdc(emdc_settings, functionality) : 
  object 'emdc_settings' not found
>     ### Comment out as necessary
>     P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
Error in apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality) : 
  object 'P' not found
>     P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
Error in apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality) : 
  object 'P' not found
>     return(P)
Error: object 'P' not found
> }
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
> # ################################################################# #
> #### MODEL ESTIMATION & OUTPUT                                   ####
> # ################################################################# #
> model = apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, 
+                         apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)
Error in apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities,  : 
  object 'apollo_probabilities' not found

Re: Unexpected numeric error while estimating eMDC2 model

Posted: 04 Dec 2023, 10:45
by stephanehess
You're missing a comma after dBusWork

Re: Unexpected numeric error while estimating eMDC2 model

Posted: 04 Dec 2023, 12:14
by Pigouvian
Thnak you Prof. Hess for resolving this issues. The error with the associated step is resolved, however, I am now getting the following error message: Error in apollo_emdc2(emdc_settings, functionality) :
Some mandatory elements are missing from 'emdc_settings'

The running code is as follows:

Code: Select all

> # ################################################################# #
> #### LOAD LIBRARY AND DEFINE CORE SETTINGS                       ####
> # ################################################################# #
> ### Clear memory and initialise
> rm(list = ls())
> library(apollo)
> apollo_initialise()
Apollo ignition sequence completed
> ### Set core controls
> apollo_control = list(
+     modelName  ="eMDC_without_budget",
+     modelDescr ="Extended MDC with complementarity and substitution, with unobserved budget and socio-demographics",
+     indivID    ="UserID",
+     outputDirectory="output"
+ )
> # ################################################################# #
> #### LOAD DATA AND APPLY ANY TRANSFORMATIONS                     ####
> # ################################################################# #
> database = read.csv("Tokyo_data_apollo.csv")
> ### Randomly split dataset into estimation (70%) and validation (30%)
> set. Seed(1)
> database$validation <- runif(nrow(database))>0.7
> dbVal    <- database[ database$validation,] # validation sample
> database <- database[!database$validation,] # estimation sample
> # ################################################################# #
> #### DEFINE MODEL PARAMETERS                                     ####
> # ################################################################# #
> ### Parameters starting values c(name1=value1, name2=value2, ...)
> apollo_beta = c(
+     # Base utility of inside goods
+     bBusiness_trip     = 0,                 
+     bWork_trip         = 0,                
+     bRestaurant_trip   = 0,
+     bHospital_trip     = 0,
+     bLeisure_trip      = 0,
+     bAltruistic_trip   = 0,
+     bShopping_trip     = 0,
+     bStrolling         = 0,
+     bBusiness_trip_Female             = 0,  
+     bBusiness_Age_30_49               = 0, 
+     bBusiness_Age_above_50            = 0, 
+     bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_car    = 0,
+     bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_train  = 0,
+     bBusiness_trip_Car_ownership      = 0,
+     bWork_trip_Female                 = 0,  
+     bWork_Age_30_49                   = 0, 
+     bWork_Age_above_50                = 0, 
+     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_car        = 0,
+     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_subway     = 0,
+     bWork_trip_Mode_choice_train      = 0,
+     bRestaurant_trip_Female            = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Housewife_Househusband = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Car_ownership          = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Unemployed             = 0,
+     bRestaurant_Mode_choice_car        = 0,
+     bHospital_trip_Age_above_50           = 0,
+     bHospital_trip_Female                 = 0,
+     bHospital_trip_Housewife_Househusband = 0,
+     bLeisure_trip_Female                  = 0,
+     bLeisure_trip_Mode_choice_train       = 0,
+     bAltruistic_trip_Female                 = 0,
+     bAltruistic_Unemployed                  = 0,
+     bAltruistic_Housewife_Househusband      = 0,
+     bAltruistic_Part_time                   = 0,
+     bShopping_trip_Female                      = 0,
+     bShopping_trip_Housewife_Househusband      = 0,
+     bStrolling_Housewife_Househusband    = 0,
+     bStrolling_Age_above_50              = 0,
+     bStrolling_Unemployed                = 0,
+     bStrolling_Part_time                 = 0,
+     # Satiation
+     sBusiness_trip     = 0,                 
+     sWork_trip         = 0,                
+     sRestaurant_trip   = 0,
+     sHospital_trip     = 0,
+     sLeisure_trip      = 0,
+     sAltruistic_trip   = 0,
+     sShopping_trip     = 0,
+     sStrolling         = 0,
+     # Complementarity and substitution
+     dBusWork           = 1, 
+     dShopStrol         = 0, 
+     dShopRes           = 0, 
+     dShopLeis          = 0, 
+     dAltHosp           = 0, 
+     dAltStrol          = 0, 
+     # S.d. of error term
+     sigma        = 1)
> ### Names of fixed parameters
> apollo_fixed = c('dBusWork')
> # ################################################################# #
> #### GROUP AND VALIDATE INPUTS                                   ####
> # ################################################################# #
> apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()
Several observations per individual detected based on the value of UserID. Setting panelData in apollo_control
  set to TRUE.
All checks on apollo_control completed.
All checks on database completed.
> # ################################################################# #
> #### DEFINE MODEL AND LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION                        ####
> # ################################################################# #
> apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, 
+                               functionality="estimate"){
+     ### Initialise
+     apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
+     on. Exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
+     P = list()
+     ### Prepare Inputs
+     alts  = c("Business_trip", "Work_trip", "Restaurant_trip", "Hospital_trip", "Leisure_trip", "Altruistic_trip", "Shopping_trip", "Strolling")
+     nAlt = length(alts)
+     ones = setNames(as.list(rep(1, nAlt)), alts)
+     continuousChoice = list(Business_trip    =     Business_trip,
+                             Work_trip        =     Work_trip,
+                             Restaurant_trip  =     Restaurant_trip,
+                             Hospital_trip    =     Hospital_trip,
+                             Leisure_trip     =     Leisure_trip,
+                             Altruistic_trip  =     Altruistic_trip,
+                             Shopping_trip    =     Shopping_trip,
+                             Strolling        =     Strolling)
+     utilities = list(
+         Business_trip      = bBusiness_trip + bBusiness_trip_Female*Female + bBusiness_Age_30_49*Age_30_49 +  bBusiness_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 +  
+             bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car +  bBusiness_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train + bBusiness_trip_Car_ownership*Car_ownership ,
+         Work_trip      = bWork_trip + bWork_trip_Female*Female + bWork_Age_30_49*Age_30_49 +  bWork_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 +  
+             bWork_trip_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car +  bWork_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train + bWork_trip_Mode_choice_subway*Mode_choice_subway,
+         Restaurant_trip = bRestaurant_trip + bRestaurant_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + bRestaurant_trip_Female*Female + bRestaurant_Car_ownership*Car_ownership + 
+             bRestaurant_Unemployed*Unemployed + bRestaurant_Mode_choice_car*Mode_choice_car,
+         Hospital_trip   = bHospital_trip + bHospital_trip_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 + bHospital_trip_Female*Female + bHospital_trip_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband,
+         Leisure_trip    = bLeisure_trip + bLeisure_trip_Female*Female + bLeisure_trip_Mode_choice_train*Mode_choice_train,
+         Altruistic_trip = bAltruistic_trip + bAltruistic_trip_Female*Female + bAltruistic_Unemployed*Unemployed + bAltruistic_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + 
+             bAltruistic_Part_time*Part_time,
+         Shopping_trip   = bShopping_trip + bShopping_trip_Female*Female + bShopping_trip_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband,
+         Strolling       = bStrolling + bStrolling_Housewife_Househusband*Housewife_Househusband + bStrolling_Age_above_50*Age_above_50 + bStrolling_Unemployed*Unemployed + 
+             bStrolling_Part_time*bStrolling_Part_time
+     )
+     gamma = list   (Business_trip     = sBusiness_trip,    
+                     Work_trip         = sWork_trip,                         
+                     Restaurant_trip   = sRestaurant_trip,  
+                     Hospital_trip     = sHospital_trip,     
+                     Leisure_trip      = sLeisure_trip,      
+                     Altruistic_trip   = sAltruistic_trip,   
+                     Shopping_trip     = sShopping_trip,    
+                     Strolling         = sStrolling)
+     delta <- c  (0,              0,              0,                    0,                            
+                  dShopStrol,     0,              0,                    0,                            
+                  dShopRes,       dAltStrol,      0,                    0,                             
+                  dShopLeis,      dAltHosp,       dBusWork,             0)
+     delta <- matrix(delta, nrow=nAlt, ncol=nAlt, byrow=TRUE)
+     emdc_settings <- list(continuousChoice = continuousChoice, 
+                           avail            = ones,
+                           utilities        = utilities,
+                           gamma            = gamma, 
+                           delta            = delta, 
+                           cost             = ones,
+                           sigma            = sigma)
+     P[["model"]] = apollo_emdc(emdc_settings, functionality)
+     ### Comment out as necessary
+     P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
+     P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
+     return(P)
+ }
> # ################################################################# #
> #### MODEL ESTIMATION & OUTPUT                                   ####
> # ################################################################# #
> model = apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, 
+                         apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)
Preparing user-defined functions.
WARNING: The pre-processing of 'apollo_probabilities' failed in initial testing. Your model may still run, but this
  indicates a potential problem. Please contact the developers for assistance! 

  Current process will resume in 5 seconds unless interrupted by the user.....

Testing likelihood function...
Error in apollo_emdc2(emdc_settings, functionality) : 
  Some mandatory elements are missing from 'emdc_settings'.
Is it because I have not considered Outside Utility? I did not include this element since in my research I do not have any outside good.

Re: Unexpected numeric error while estimating eMDC2 model

Posted: 06 Dec 2023, 14:09
by dpalma

The eMDC model always assumes an outside good, it is part of the model. However, one of the interesting characteristics of the model is that it allows you to leave the consumed amount of the outside good (or equivalently the budget) undefined. Therefore, you still need to define the utility of the outside good (utilityOutside in apollo).

Not having to define the budget is useful when you don't know the budget (e.g. when modelling monetary expenditure you are often not confident on the real discretionary income of people), but it is not so useful when modelling time use, as in that case you clearly know the budget (e.g. 24 hours a day, or 168 hours a week). If you are modelling time use, I would recommend you use the model with the budget. For that, you would have to provide the budget to the model, and remove one of the alternatives, so that it becomes the outside good (outside good consumption = budget - sum(consumption in all other alternatives)).

You can see a longer discussion on Palma & Hess (2022) Extending the Multiple Discrete Continuous (MDC) modelling framework to consider complementarity, substitution, and an unobserved budget. Transportation Research 161B.

Best wishes