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Only single alternative is available for RP data

Posted: 13 Sep 2023, 18:20
by Aditya249
Dear Prof. Hess and Dr. Palma,

I'm struggling with my joint RP-SP (Revealed Preference-Stated Preference) mode choice model for an upcoming study. In my RP data, I only have information on travel time and cost for single alternatives (car users).

In the SP scenario, I'm looking at improvements in the transit system and introducing a new mode. There are two options in the SP data: (i) staying with the existing mode and (ii) switching to the new mode.

When I tried to analyze this using old data, I got an error message saying:

"Error in apollo_mnl(c(mnl_settings_RP, componentName2 = "RP"), functionality) :
Only one alternative is available for each observation for model component 'RP'!"

Can you please help me fix this error?

Re: Only single alternative is available for RP data

Posted: 18 Sep 2023, 08:15
by stephanehess

you cannot estimate a model if there is only a single alternative. You will have to compile information on the choice set also for RP
