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Zero inflated negative bonomial hybrid choice model

Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 12:08
by Aditya249
Dear Sir,

My dependent variable is count data. I also have latent variables as independent. Could you please suggest if it is possible to develop a zero inflated negative binomial based hybrid choice model in Apollo?

If yes then could you please share sample codes for the same?

Re: Zero inflated negative bonomial hybrid choice model

Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 15:30
by dpalma

Yes, you can estimate a zero inflated negative binomial model with latent variables in Apollo. But there is no pre-coded negative binomial model likelihood, so you would have to write the likelihood yourself. You can look at section 5.7 for a discussion on how to add new models to Apollo.

Alternatively, and if the counting doesn't reach high values, you could consider using an order logit model. Apollo does have the order logit likelihood pre-coded, so it would be much easier to estimate.

Best wishes