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Attribute and individual-specific variable interaction

Posted: 25 May 2023, 00:32
by Daniel

I'm estimating results from a choice experiment asking land managers to choose between one of two payment-for-ecosystem services contracts and status quo (no attributies). I'm using nested logit with opt out "none" in one nest and the two contracts (A and B) in the other. In a simple MNL without socioeconomics gives logical estimates, but I would assume that opting out is qualitatively different from uptake, choosing between A and B, hence the NL.

Code: Select all

              asc_none  = 0,
              asc_a      = 0,
              asc_b      = 0,
              b_area    = 0, # area of ELM contract
              b_pay     = 0, # compensation
              b_fsize   = 0, # farm size, varies by respondent
              lambda_uptake  = 1)

apollo_fixed = c("asc_a")

apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){
### Attach inputs and detach after function exit
apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
### Create list of probabilities P
P = list()

 # I want to know how farm size influences the effect of area on choice probability and WTA.
  b_mp = b_fsize * fsize + b_area

  ### List of utilities: these must use the same names as in nl_settings, order is irrelevant
  V = list()
  V[["none"]] = asc_none * (b_fsize * fsize)
  V[["A"]] =  asc_a + b_fsize * fsize +
               b_mp * A.area +
               b_pay * +
  V[["B"]]  = asc_b + b_fsize * fsize +
              b_mp * B.area +
              b_pay *
  nlNests = list(root = 1, uptake=lambda_uptake)
  ### Specify tree structure for NL model
  nlStructure= list()
  nlStructure[["root"]] = c("none","uptake")
  nlStructure[["uptake"]] = c("A","B")
I only get NAs for standard errors and lambda_uptake > 1, so I assume the specification must be wrong. Also, if I wanted to know whether larger farms (variation in fsize) would demand more or less payment to participate (choose either A or B) how would I model that?

Thank you very much to anyone who might know!

Re: Attribute and individual-specific variable interaction

Posted: 09 Jun 2023, 11:38
by stephanehess

can you please post your results so we can help?
