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More efficient way of doing a step-wise approach?

Posted: 14 Dec 2022, 17:21
by victornielsen
I have a model with a lot of dummy variables. There are about 6 control variables - each with on average 5 dummies.
the 6 control variables leaves 63 combinations of models.

My process right now would look like commenting off each variable individually and running the model.
Is there any way to automate this? Or to do it quicker. I am only down 2 combinations so far and it has taken 15 minutes.

Re: More efficient way of doing a step-wise approach?

Posted: 02 Feb 2023, 13:13
by stephanehess

you could write a loop in which you keep changing the contents of apollo_fixed and then each time run the model with a new version of apollo_fixed and save the outputs into a different model object
