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Constraints do not work

Posted: 05 Oct 2022, 17:53
by intllawKuma

I ran the following code using my own survey data.
I got the negative alpha -0.355207 even though I set the constraints c("alpha >= 0","alpha < 1").
It would be appreciated if you could tell me how to limit the sign of alpha to positive.

Code: Select all

apollo_control <- list(
  modelName       = "MNL",
  modelDescr      = "MNL model",
  indivID         = "ID",
  outputDirectory = "output"
database <- read.csv("dataNest/dataset1r1.csv")

apollo_beta <- c(asc = 0,
                 b_1 = 0,
                 b_2 = 0,
                 alpha = 0)
apollo_fixed <- c()

apollo_inputs <- apollo_validateInputs()
apollo_probabilities <- function(apollo_beta,apollo_inputs,functionality="estimate"){

  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))

  # Create list of probabilities P
  P <- list()
  # List of utilities
  V <- list()
  V[["alt1"]] = b_1 * (Chaku.1)^(1-alpha)/(1-alpha) + b_2 * (500-Seiko.1)^(1-alpha)/(1-alpha) * Prob.1/100
  V[["alt2"]] = b_1 * (Chaku.2)^(1-alpha)/(1-alpha) + b_2 * (500-Seiko.2)^(1-alpha)/(1-alpha) * Prob.2/100
  V[["alt3"]] = asc + b_1 * (Chaku.3)^(1-alpha)/(1-alpha) + b_2 * (500-Seiko.3)^(1-alpha)/(1-alpha) * Prob.3/100
  # Define settings for MNL model component
  mnl_settings <- list(
     alternatives = c(alt1 = 1, alt2 = 2, alt3 = 3),
     avail        = list(alt1 = 1, alt2 = 1, alt3 = 1),
     choiceVar    = choice,
     utilities     = V
  # Compute probabilities using MNL model
  P[["model"]] <- apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
  # Take product across observation for same individual
  P <- apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  # Prepare and return outputs of function
  P <- apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)

model_non <- apollo_estimate(apollo_beta,apollo_fixed,apollo_probabilities,apollo_inputs,estimate_settings=list(contraints=c("alpha > 0","alpha < 1")))
apollo_modelOutput(model_non, list(printPVal=2))

Re: Constraints do not work

Posted: 25 Nov 2022, 16:17
by dpalma

There seems to be typo in your code, an "s" missing in constraints. The call to apollo_estimate should look as follows:

Code: Select all

model_non <- apollo_estimate(apollo_beta,apollo_fixed,apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs,
                             estimate_settings=list(constraints=c("alpha > 0","alpha < 1")))
Please try again with that call, and don't forget to update Apollo to the latest available version. You can do this simply by typing install.packages("apollo") in the console.


Re: Constraints do not work

Posted: 27 Nov 2022, 15:47
by intllawKuma
Dear Dr. Palma,

I did not notice the spelling mistake.
It worked well after I corrected the spelling mistake.
Thank you.