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Error in HCM model (NA in initial gradient value)

Posted: 29 May 2022, 13:41
by Yashin
Dear Concern,

I get the following error while running HCM+Ol with 4 random components with the Halton draws of 500. Initially, I worked with Halton draws of 300 which easily converged. In this case, the model converged but I got this error.

Any ideas to deal with such a problem?

"Additional convergence test using scaled estimation. Parameters will be scaled by their current estimates and additional
iterations will be performed.
Error in maxOptim(fn = fn, grad = grad, hess = hess, start = start, method = "BFGS", :
NA in the initial gradient"

Re: Error in HCM model (NA in initial gradient value)

Posted: 27 Jun 2022, 11:49
by stephanehess

could you please share the entire output, i.e. what happens before the error. Can you also confirm that you are running the most recent version of Apollo, please?

