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Zero-bounded triangular and zero-censored normal distributions

Posted: 23 Feb 2022, 09:07
by alvarogutyerrez
Hello Stephane and David,

I have been trying to estimate a model with a (negative) log-normally distributed cost parameter however, I keep having extremely long tails even at a very large number of draws (10.000). Hence, I have been trying to apply other distributions that might produce more behaviorally reasonable results while keeping its domain below zero. I came across the zero-bounded triangular and zero-censored normal distributions and which are mentioned in the mlogit package and I was wondering how to implement it using Apollo. For example, I know that in order to generate a symmetrical triangular distribution I can use the sum of two uniforms (shown below), but how should I transform the original uniform draws in order to get a zero-bounded triangular distribution? Additionally, which transformation should I apply to (standard) normal draws in order to get a zero-censored normal distribution?

Finally, would you recommend using said distributions for cost coefficients?

Thank you a lot for your time!

Code: Select all

apollo_draws = list(
  interDrawsType = 'sobol',
  interNDraws = 1000,
  interUnifDraws = c("unif_draws_cost_a","unif_draws_cost_b")
  interNormDraws = c("norm_draws_cost"),

#create random coefficients
apollo_randCoeff <- function(apollo_beta,apollo_inputs){
  randcoeff = list()
  # Symmetrical triangular distribution
  randcoeff[['cost']] = bound_cost + range_cost * ( unif_draws_cost_a + unif_draws_cost_b ) / 2

Re: Zero-bounded triangular and zero-censored normal distributions

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 13:09
by stephanehess

the zero-bounded triangular is easy by just fixing one of the bounds of the uniforms to 0. But be mindful about the existence of inverse moments for that distribution - see Daly, Hess & Train, 2012

The truncated Normal has the same issues with inverse moments

A distribution that has worked well for me is the log-uniform, so an exponential (or negative exponential) of a uniform. It has much shorter tails than the lognormal.


Re: Zero-bounded triangular and zero-censored normal distributions

Posted: 10 May 2022, 08:16
by alvarogutyerrez
Dear Stephane,

Thank you for your answer. I have not thought about the log-exponential. Do you have any article where you have used said distribution?
Best regards,

Re: Zero-bounded triangular and zero-censored normal distributions

Posted: 10 May 2022, 12:08
by stephanehess