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Influence of Parameters Error in apollo_estimate

Posted: 27 Jul 2021, 20:27
by usman.ahmed
We are trying to estimate an MNL model for location choice. We have 200 zones as alternatives. For utility equation we are using the following code:

for(j in 1:200){
V[[paste0("alt",j)]] = (

We are getting an error that b_access does not influence the likelihood.
The code runs fine on a MAC OS, but we are using windows (for higher computing power since we have many more variables) and it does not work.
On windows computer, we are using apollo version 0.2.4
Could you please guide us how to specify our utility equations correctly.

Re: Influence of Parameters Error in apollo_estimate

Posted: 12 Aug 2021, 10:20
by stephanehess
can you please show us the entire code and also the full output prior to the failure?

Re: Influence of Parameters Error in apollo_estimate

Posted: 12 Aug 2021, 12:13
by usman.ahmed
Thank you for your reply. We found out that it was a problem of apollo version. We used an earlier version of apollo and the problem was solved. Thank you!