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interpretation of ICLV model estimates

Posted: 05 Jul 2021, 22:56
by akash212

I am a beginner in choice modeling and I have created my first ICLV model (by looking at examples on the apollo website) but I am not sure how do I interpret the results. Below are my model and estimates.

apollo_beta = c(b_walk = 0,
b_bicycle = 0,
b_public_trans = 0,
b_car = 0,
b_dist_walk = 0,
b_dist_bicycle = 0,
b_dist_publictrans = 0,
b_dist_car = 0,
lambda_w = 0,
lambda_b = 0,
lambda_p = 0,
gamma_age_50 = 0,
gamma_male = 0,
gamma_nonwestern = 0,
zeta_wind_perc = 1,
zeta_prec_perc = 1,
sigma_prec_perc = 1,
sigma_wind_perc = 1
### Create random parameters
apollo_randCoeff=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs){
randcoeff = list()

randcoeff[["LV"]] = gamma_male*male + gamma_nonwestern*nonwestern + gamma_age_50*age_50 + eta


### Likelihood of indicators
normalDensity_settings1 = list(outcomeNormal = precipitation_perception,
xNormal = zeta_prec_perc*LV,
mu = 0,
sigma = sigma_prec_perc,
# rows = (task==1),
componentName = "indic_prec_perc")
normalDensity_settings2 = list(outcomeNormal = wind_perception,
xNormal = zeta_wind_perc*LV,
mu = 0,
sigma = sigma_wind_perc,
# rows = (task==1),
componentName = "indic_wind_perc")

### Utility functions
V[['walk']] = (b_walk + b_dist_walk * log(dist) + lambda_w*LV )
V[['bicycle']] = ( b_bicycle + b_dist_bicycle * log(dist) + lambda_b*LV )
V[['publictrans']] = (b_public_trans + b_dist_publictrans * log(dist) + lambda_p*LV)
V[['car']] = ( b_car + b_dist_car * log(dist))

And below are my estimates.

Estimate s.e. t.rat.(0) Rob.s.e. Rob.t.rat.(0)
b_walk 0.2398 0.258730 0.9267 0.76719 0.3125
b_bicycle 1.2391 0.244941 5.0590 0.90280 1.3726
b_public_trans -6.8366 0.576998 -11.8487 2.34241 -2.9186
b_car 0.0000 NA NA NA NA
b_dist_walk -1.5790 0.045890 -34.4083 0.14443 -10.9328
b_dist_bicycle -0.8576 0.028998 -29.5757 0.05937 -14.4465
b_dist_publictrans 0.5128 0.045522 11.2653 0.08874 5.7790
b_dist_car 0.0000 NA NA NA NA
lambda_w -0.2419 0.160552 -1.5065 0.48544 -0.4982
lambda_b -0.7463 0.153272 -4.8689 0.57194 -1.3048
lambda_p 2.8325 0.326638 8.6716 1.35328 2.0930
gamma_age_50 0.9447 0.064021 14.7569 0.04675 20.2069
gamma_male 1.0210 0.063994 15.9548 0.04800 21.2731
gamma_nonwestern 0.9600 0.109650 8.7547 0.08290 11.5796
zeta_wind_perc 1.6564 0.040609 40.7890 0.03962 41.8075
zeta_prec_perc 1.5095 0.037215 40.5618 0.03646 41.4030
sigma_prec_perc 1.0332 0.007622 135.5676 0.01332 77.5699
sigma_wind_perc 0.8691 0.006722 129.2970 0.01530 56.7968

Could you please let me know what does positive or negative values of lambda, gamma, zeta, and sigma mean?

Re: interpretation of ICLV model estimates

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 12:26
by stephanehess

this forum is mainly for questions about Apollo per se, rather than theory, and there are many papers discussing interpretation of ICLV models. More importantly, there is a detailed discussion in our journal paper ( ... Apollo.pdf) and in the manual ( on how to specify, estimate and interpret ICLV in Apollo.


Re: interpretation of ICLV model estimates

Posted: 07 Jul 2021, 15:13
by akash212
Thank you for your guidance in the right direction.

Re: interpretation of ICLV model estimates

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 11:58
by sethyash52
Hi Stephane,

The link provided by you for interpreting an ICLV model needs to be fixed. Can you please resend the link?

Re: interpretation of ICLV model estimates

Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 19:18
by stephanehess

this forum is mainly for questions about Apollo per se, rather than theory, and there are many papers discussing interpretation of ICLV models. More importantly, there is a detailed discussion in our journal paper and in the manual on how to specify, estimate and interpret ICLV in Apollo. See the Apollo website at
