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Posted: 28 Jun 2021, 17:03
by chtoune_63
I'm working on a very simple dataset to test Apollo. I get the following error message:

Error in apollo_preprocess(inputs = mnl_settings, modelType, functionality, :
The "choiceVar" argument for model component "model" needs to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the "database"

I checked the following:
- I have no missing variable for my variable "choice";
- this variable takes three values (1/2/3) as specified in the "alternatives" parameter
- I have one row for each choice question(I used the same data entry as in Biogeme)
- I have no error in the apollo_validateInputs() step

Any idea why this error occurs?

Re: ChoiceVar

Posted: 29 Jun 2021, 10:59
by stephanehess

to allow us to help you, please show us your whole model code, along with the output



Re: ChoiceVar

Posted: 26 Jul 2021, 07:31
by Finley
The same error also occurs to me.
The code and the model are as follows.

Code: Select all

### Clear memory
rm(list = ls())

### Load libraries
#> Apollo 0.2.4
#> See url for a detailed manual, examples and a help forum.
#> Sign up to our mailing list for updates on new releases.

### Initialise code

### Set core controls
apollo_control <- list(
  modelName = "MNL",
  modelDescr = "Adults' preferences for a vaccine product",
  indivID = "ID"
# ####################################################### #
#### 2. Data loading                                   ####
# ####################################################### #

database <- subset(model, select = c("ID","price.1","risk2.1","risk3.1","duration2.1",

database <-

# ####################################################### #
#### 3. Parameter definition                           ####
# ####################################################### #

### Vector of parameters, including any that are kept fixed 
### during estimation

apollo_beta <- c(
  asc     = 0,
  b_price  = 0,
  b_risk2  = 0,
  b_risk3  = 0,
  b_duration2  = 0,
  b_duration3 = 0,
  b_efficacy2 = 0,
  b_efficacy3 = 0,
  b_oral = 0,
  b_dose2 = 0,
  b_dose3 = 0,
  b_imported = 0

### Vector with names (in quotes) of parameters to be
###  kept fixed at their starting value in apollo_beta.
### Use apollo_beta_fixed = c() for no fixed parameters.

apollo_fixed <- c() # no fixed parameters in our model

# ####################################################### #
#### 4. Input validation                               ####
# ####################################################### #

apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

# ####################################################### #
#### 5. Likelihood definition                          ####
# ####################################################### #

apollo_probabilities <- function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality = "estimate"){
  ### Attach inputs and detach after function exit
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  ### Create list of probabilities P
  P <- list()
  V <- list()
  ### List of utilities: these must use the same names as
  ### in mnl_settings, order is irrelevant.
  V[['alt1']] = asc + b_price*price.1 + b_risk2*risk2.1 + b_risk3*risk3.1 + 
    b_duration2*duration2.1 + b_duration3*duration3.1 + b_efficacy2*efficacy2.1 + 
    b_efficacy3*efficacy3.1 + b_oral*admin.1 + b_dose2*doses2.1 + 
    b_dose3*doses3.1 + b_imported*origin.1
  V[['alt2']] = asc + b_price*price.2 + b_risk2*risk2.2 + b_risk3*risk3.2 + 
    b_duration2*duration2.2 + b_duration3*duration3.2 + b_efficacy2*efficacy2.2 + 
    b_efficacy3*efficacy3.2 + b_oral*admin.2 + b_dose2*doses2.2 + 
    b_dose3*doses3.2 + b_imported*origin.2
  V[['alt3']] = 0
  ### Define settings for MNL model component
  mnl_settings <- list(
    alternatives = c(alt1 = 1, alt2 = 2, alt3 = 3),
    avail        = list(alt1 = 1, alt2 = 1, alt3 = 1),
    choiceVar    = choice,
    V            = V
  ### Compute probabilities using MNL model
  P[['model']] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
  ### Take product across observation for same individual
  P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  ### Prepare and return outputs of the function
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)

# ####################################################### #
#### 6. Model estimation and reporting                 ####
# ####################################################### #
fit <- apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, 
                       apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)

apollo_modelOutput(fit, list(printPVal = TRUE))
Actually, the code ran successfully in May this year, but it doesn't work with the same data now. So I am sure that the simple data is qualified for the discrete choice model. I have referred to the source code of `apollo_preprocess.R` but didn't find the same error message like "The "choiceVar" argument for model component "model" needs to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the 'database'".

Re: ChoiceVar

Posted: 27 Jul 2021, 15:47
by stephanehess
can you send us the output of
