Important: Read this before posting to this forum

  1. This forum is for questions related to the use of Apollo. We will answer some general choice modelling questions too, where appropriate, and time permitting. We cannot answer questions about how to estimate choice models with other software packages.
  2. There is a very detailed manual for Apollo available at This contains detailed descriptions of the various Apollo functions, and numerous examples are available at In addition, help files are available for all functions, using e.g. ?apollo_mnl
  3. Before asking a question on the forum, users are kindly requested to follow these steps:
    1. Check that the same issue has not already been addressed in the forum - there is a search tool.
    2. Ensure that the correct syntax has been used. For any function, detailed instructions are available directly in Apollo, e.g. by using ?apollo_mnl for apollo_mnl
    3. Check the frequently asked questions section on the Apollo website, which discusses some common issues/failures. Please see
    4. Make sure that R is using the latest official release of Apollo.
  4. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, then users should follow these steps when posting a question:
    1. provide full details on the issue, including the entire code and output, including any error messages
    2. posts will not immediately appear on the forum, but will be checked by a moderator first. We check the forum at least twice a week. It may thus take a couple of days for your post to appear and before we reply. There is no need to submit the post multiple times.

Error when using apollo_lcEM()

Report bugs or highlight issues with Apollo functions. At a minimum, please include the part of the output where you believe the bug is manifested. Ideally, please share your model file.
Post Reply
Posts: 1
Joined: 21 Feb 2024, 14:27

Error when using apollo_lcEM()

Post by nsmith »


I am trying to estimate a latent class logit model using the `apollo_lcEM()` function. I am re-running code that I had previously (successfully) compiled on June 4, 2024. When trying to estimate using the EM algorithm, apollo says that none of my parameters influence the log-likelihood of the model.

Code: Select all

# ################################################################# #
#### LOAD LIBRARY AND DEFINE CORE SETTINGS                       ####
# ################################################################# #
### Initialise code

### Set core controls
apollo_control = list(
  modelName       = "LCA_5class",
  modelDescr      = "LCA on orchid data, EM, with cov",
  indivID         = "responseId",
  nCores          = 2

# ################################################################# #
#### LOAD DATA AND APPLY ANY TRANSFORMATIONS                     ####
# ################################################################# #

### Loading data from package
### if data is to be loaded from a file (e.g. called data.csv), 
### the code would be: database = read.csv("data.csv",header=TRUE)
lcaData = idByTask %>% select(responseId, choicetask, choiceSituation, choice, block, saw150v125, gender, familyPlan,
                              age, highHealthInsLit01, percentFPL_100k, rxDevice01, chronicCount, chronicCount1v0, chronicCount2v0, chronicCount3v0) %>%
  arrange(responseId, choicetask) %>%
  filter(! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! & ! %>%

lcaData <- remove_all_labels(lcaData)

database <- lcaData

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE MODEL PARAMETERS                                     ####
# ################################################################# #

### Vector of parameters, including any that are kept fixed in estimation
apollo_beta = c(asc_opt_1_a = -0.03, 
                asc_opt_1_b = -0.02, 
                asc_opt_1_c = -0.003, 
                asc_opt_1_d = -0.24, 
                asc_opt_1_e = -0.24, 
                asc_opt_2_a = 0, 
                asc_opt_2_b = 0,
                asc_opt_2_c = 0, 
                asc_opt_2_d = 0, 
                asc_opt_2_e = 0, 
                asc_opt_3_a =1.73, 
                asc_opt_3_b = -3.2, 
                asc_opt_3_c = -2.9, 
                asc_opt_3_d = -0.015, 
                asc_opt_3_e = 0.02, 
                # oop
                b_oop_1v0_a = -0.57,
                b_oop_2v0_a = -1.81, 
                b_oop_3v0_a = -2.23, 
                b_oop_1v0_b = -0.53,
                b_oop_2v0_b = -2.67, 
                b_oop_3v0_b = -3.35, 
                b_oop_1v0_c = 0.44,
                b_oop_2v0_c = 0.276, 
                b_oop_3v0_c = -0.067, 
                b_oop_1v0_d = -0.58,
                b_oop_2v0_d = -1.48, 
                b_oop_3v0_d = -4.37, 
                b_oop_1v0_e = -0.56,
                b_oop_2v0_e = -0.86, 
                b_oop_3v0_e = -0.81, 
                # premium
                b_premium_1v0_a = 0.079, 
                b_premium_2v0_a = -0.46, 
                b_premium_1v0_b = -0.84, 
                b_premium_2v0_b = -0.87, 

                b_premium_1v0_c = 0.12, 
                b_premium_2v0_c = -0.18, 
                b_premium_1v0_d = 0.13, 
                b_premium_2v0_d = -1.52, 
                b_premium_1v0_e = 0.76, 
                b_premium_2v0_e = -0.19, 
                # plan type
                b_plan_1v0_a = 0.21, 
                b_plan_2v0_a = -0.13, 
                b_plan_1v0_b = 0.23, 
                b_plan_2v0_b = 0.07, 
                b_plan_1v0_c = -0.013, 
                b_plan_2v0_c = 0.008, 
                b_plan_1v0_d = -0.51, 
                b_plan_2v0_d = 0.04, 
                b_plan_1v0_e = -0.56, 
                b_plan_2v0_e = 0.28, 
                # pcp network
                b_pcpNetwork_1v0_a = 1.39, 
                b_pcpNetwork_2v0_a = 1.77, 
                b_pcpNetwork_1v0_b = 1.68, 
                b_pcpNetwork_2v0_b = 1.26, 

                b_pcpNetwork_1v0_c = 0.44, 
                b_pcpNetwork_2v0_c = 0.39, 
                b_pcpNetwork_1v0_d = 4.37, 
                b_pcpNetwork_2v0_d = 6.4, 
                b_pcpNetwork_1v0_e = 0.42, 
                b_pcpNetwork_2v0_e = 0.60, 
                # rx coverage
                b_drugDevice_1v0_a = 1.09, 
                b_drugDevice_2v0_a = 1.53, 
                b_drugDevice_1v0_b = 1.13, 
                b_drugDevice_2v0_b = 1.415, 
                b_drugDevice_1v0_c = 0.18, 
                b_drugDevice_2v0_c = 0.42, 
                b_drugDevice_1v0_d = 1.29, 
                b_drugDevice_2v0_d = 1.91, 
                b_drugDevice_1v0_e = 0.66, 
                b_drugDevice_2v0_e = 0.83, 
                delta_a = -0.31, 
                delta_b = 0,
                delta_c = -0.67,
                delta_d = -0.97,
                delta_e = -0.14,
                # allow class allocation to vary based on covariates
                b_age_a = 0, 
                b_highHealthInsLit_a = -0.67, 
                b_pctFPL_a = -0.000845, 
                b_rxDevice_a = -0.029,
                b_countChronic1v0_a = 0,
                b_countChronic2v0_a = 0,
                b_countChronic3v0_a = 0,
                b_age_b = 0, 
                b_highHealthInsLit_b = 0, 
                b_pctFPL_b = 0, 
                b_rxDevice_b = 0,
                b_countChronic1v0_b = 0, 
                b_countChronic2v0_b = 0, 
                b_countChronic3v0_b = 0, 
                b_age_c = 0, 
                b_highHealthInsLit_c = 0.002, 
                b_pctFPL_c = 0.00119, 
                b_rxDevice_c = 0.07,
                b_countChronic1v0_c = 0, 
                b_countChronic2v0_c = 0, 
                b_countChronic3v0_c = 0, 
                b_age_d = 0, 
                b_highHealthInsLit_d = 0.03, 
                b_pctFPL_d = 0.0000357, 
                b_rxDevice_d = 0.46,
                b_countChronic1v0_d = 0, 
                b_countChronic2v0_d = 0, 
                b_countChronic3v0_d = 0, 
                b_age_e = 0, 
                b_highHealthInsLit_e = 0.139, 
                b_pctFPL_e = 0.000012, 
                b_rxDevice_e = 0.429,
                b_countChronic1v0_e = 0, 
                b_countChronic2v0_e = 0, 
                b_countChronic3v0_e = 0                

### Vector with names (in quotes) of parameters to be kept fixed at their starting value in apollo_beta, use apollo_beta_fixed = c() if none
apollo_fixed = c("asc_opt_2_a", "asc_opt_2_b", "asc_opt_2_c", "asc_opt_2_d", "asc_opt_2_e", "delta_b", "b_age_b", "b_highHealthInsLit_b", "b_pctFPL_b", "b_rxDevice_b", "b_countChronic1v0_b", "b_countChronic2v0_b", "b_countChronic3v0_b")

# exp(1.4079)/(exp(0)+exp(1.4079))

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE LATENT CLASS COMPONENTS                              ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_lcPars=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs){
  lcpars = list()
  lcpars[["asc_opt_1"]] = list(asc_opt_1_a, asc_opt_1_b, asc_opt_1_c, asc_opt_1_d, asc_opt_1_e)
  lcpars[["asc_opt_2"]] = list(asc_opt_2_a, asc_opt_2_b, asc_opt_2_c, asc_opt_2_d, asc_opt_2_e)
  lcpars[["asc_opt_3"]] = list(asc_opt_3_a, asc_opt_3_b, asc_opt_3_c, asc_opt_3_d, asc_opt_3_e)
  lcpars[["b_oop_1v0"]] = list(b_oop_1v0_a, b_oop_1v0_b, b_oop_1v0_c, b_oop_1v0_d, b_oop_1v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_oop_2v0"]] = list(b_oop_2v0_a, b_oop_2v0_b, b_oop_2v0_c, b_oop_2v0_d, b_oop_2v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_oop_3v0"]] = list(b_oop_3v0_a, b_oop_3v0_b, b_oop_3v0_c, b_oop_3v0_d, b_oop_3v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_premium_1v0"]] = list(b_premium_1v0_a, b_premium_1v0_b, b_premium_1v0_c, b_premium_1v0_d, b_premium_1v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_premium_2v0"]] = list(b_premium_2v0_a, b_premium_2v0_b, b_premium_2v0_c, b_premium_2v0_d, b_premium_2v0_e)

  lcpars[["b_plan_1v0"]] = list(b_plan_1v0_a, b_plan_1v0_b, b_plan_1v0_c, b_plan_1v0_d, b_plan_1v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_plan_2v0"]] = list(b_plan_2v0_a, b_plan_2v0_b, b_plan_2v0_c, b_plan_2v0_d, b_plan_2v0_e)

  lcpars[["b_pcpNetwork_1v0"]] = list(b_pcpNetwork_1v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_pcpNetwork_2v0"]] = list(b_pcpNetwork_2v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_drugDevice_1v0"]] = list(b_drugDevice_1v0_a, b_drugDevice_1v0_b, b_drugDevice_1v0_c, b_drugDevice_1v0_d, b_drugDevice_1v0_e)
  lcpars[["b_drugDevice_2v0"]] = list(b_drugDevice_2v0_a, b_drugDevice_2v0_b, b_drugDevice_2v0_c, b_drugDevice_2v0_d, b_drugDevice_2v0_e)
  V[["class_a"]] = delta_a + b_age_a*age + b_highHealthInsLit_a*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_a*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_a*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_a*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_a*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_a*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
  V[["class_b"]] = delta_b + b_age_b*age + b_highHealthInsLit_b*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_b*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_b*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_b*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_b*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_b*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
  V[["class_c"]] = delta_c + b_age_c*age + b_highHealthInsLit_c*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_c*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_c*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_c*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_c*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_c*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
  V[["class_d"]] = delta_d + b_age_d*age + b_highHealthInsLit_d*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_d*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_d*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_d*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_d*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_d*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
  V[["class_e"]] = delta_e + b_age_e*age + b_highHealthInsLit_e*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_e*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_e*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_e*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_e*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_e*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
  classAlloc_settings = list(
    classes      = c(class_a=1, class_b=2, class_c=3, class_d=4, class_e=5), 
    utilities    = V

  lcpars[["pi_values"]] = apollo_classAlloc(classAlloc_settings)

# ################################################################# #
#### GROUP AND VALIDATE INPUTS                                   ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()

# ################################################################# #
#### DEFINE MODEL AND LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION                        ####
# ################################################################# #

apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){
  ### Attach inputs and detach after function exit
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  ### Create list of probabilities P
  P = list()
  ### Define settings for MNL model component that are generic across classes
  mnl_settings = list(alternatives  = c(opt1=1, opt2=2, opt3=3), 
                      choiceVar     = choice
  ### Loop over classes
  for(s in 1:length(pi_values)){
    ### Compute class-specific utilities
    V[['opt1']] = asc_opt_1[[s]] + b_oop_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x1 == 1) + b_oop_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x1 == 2) + b_oop_3v0[[s]]*(opt1.x1 == 3) + b_premium_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x2 == 1) + b_premium_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x2 == 2) + b_plan_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x3 ==1) + b_plan_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x3 == 2) + b_pcpNetwork_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x4 == 1) + b_pcpNetwork_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x4 == 2) + b_drugDevice_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x5 == 1) + b_drugDevice_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x5 == 2)
    V[['opt2']] = asc_opt_2[[s]] + b_oop_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x1 == 1) + b_oop_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x1 == 2) + b_oop_3v0[[s]]*(opt2.x1 == 3) + b_premium_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x2 == 1) + b_premium_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x2 == 2) + b_plan_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x3 ==1) + b_plan_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x3 == 2) + b_pcpNetwork_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x4 == 1) + b_pcpNetwork_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x4 == 2) + b_drugDevice_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x5 == 1) + b_drugDevice_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x5 == 2) 
    V[['opt3']] = asc_opt_3[[s]]
    mnl_settings$utilities = V
    mnl_settings$componentName = paste0("Class_",s)
    ### Compute within-class choice probabilities using MNL model
    P[[paste0("Class_",s)]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
    ### Take product across observation for same individual
    P[[paste0("Class_",s)]] = apollo_panelProd(P[[paste0("Class_",s)]], apollo_inputs ,functionality)
  ### Compute latent class model probabilities
  lc_settings   = list(inClassProb = P, classProb=pi_values)
  P[["model"]] = apollo_lc(lc_settings, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  ### Prepare and return outputs of function
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)

# ################################################################# #
#### MODEL ESTIMATION                                            ####
# ################################################################# #

### Optional starting values search
# apollo_beta=apollo_searchStart(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed,apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)

model=apollo_lcEM(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities, 
                  apollo_inputs, lcEM_settings = list(EMmaxIterations=100)) 
In terms of output, `apollo_validateInputs()` works fine:

Code: Select all

Several observations per individual detected based on the value of responseId. Setting
  panelData in apollo_control set to TRUE.
All checks on apollo_control completed.
All checks on database completed.
But the estimation fails:

Code: Select all

INFORMATION: The use of apollo_lcEM has a number of requirements. No checks are run for these, so the
  user needs to ensure these conditions are met by their model: 
1: This function is only suitable for single component models, i.e. no use of
  apollo_combineModels or manual multiplication of model components.
2: Any parameters that vary across classes need to be included in the definition of random
  parameters in apollo_lcPars.
3: The entries in the lists in apollo_lcPars need to be individual parameters, not functions

Validating inputs of likelihood function (apollo_probabilities)

Error in apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities,  : 
! SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Parameters asc_opt_1_a, asc_opt_1_b, asc_opt_1_c, asc_opt_1_d, asc_opt_1_e, asc_opt_3_a, asc_opt_3_b, asc_opt_3_c, asc_opt_3_d, asc_opt_3_e, b_oop_1v0_a, b_oop_2v0_a, b_oop_3v0_a, b_oop_1v0_b, b_oop_2v0_b, b_oop_3v0_b, b_oop_1v0_c, b_oop_2v0_c, b_oop_3v0_c, b_oop_1v0_d, b_oop_2v0_d, b_oop_3v0_d, b_oop_1v0_e, b_oop_2v0_e, b_oop_3v0_e, b_premium_1v0_a, b_premium_2v0_a, b_premium_1v0_b, b_premium_2v0_b, b_premium_1v0_c, b_premium_2v0_c, b_premium_1v0_d, b_premium_2v0_d, b_premium_1v0_e, b_premium_2v0_e, b_plan_1v0_a, b_plan_2v0_a, b_plan_1v0_b, b_plan_2v0_b, b_plan_1v0_c, b_plan_2v0_c, b_plan_1v0_d, b_plan_2v0_d, b_plan_1v0_e, b_plan_2v0_e, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_e, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_e, b_drugDevice_1v0_a, b_drugDevice_2v0_a, b_drugDevice_1v0_b, b_drugDevice_2v0_b, b_drugDevice_1v0_c, b_drugDevice_2v0_c, b_drugDevice_1v0_d, b_drugDevice_2v0_d, b_drugDevice_1v0_e, b_drugDevice_2v0_e do not influence the log-likelihood of your model!
Were there any updates to the newest apollo version 0.3.4 that would be creating an issue with this code? It's a bit confusing because I have not touched any of the model specifications since the last run.

Note that the LC logit model works fine when I remove the length(pi_vals) requirement in the for loop and use regular apollo_estimate()
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Posts: 1235
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: Error when using apollo_lcEM()

Post by stephanehess »


apologies for the slow reply. Could you share your code and data with me outside the forum and I'll have a look?


Stephane Hess
Post Reply