I am trying to estimate a latent class logit model using the `apollo_lcEM()` function. I am re-running code that I had previously (successfully) compiled on June 4, 2024. When trying to estimate using the EM algorithm, apollo says that none of my parameters influence the log-likelihood of the model.
Code: Select all
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### Initialise code
### Set core controls
apollo_control = list(
modelName = "LCA_5class",
modelDescr = "LCA on orchid data, EM, with cov",
indivID = "responseId",
nCores = 2
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### Loading data from package
### if data is to be loaded from a file (e.g. called data.csv),
### the code would be: database = read.csv("data.csv",header=TRUE)
lcaData = idByTask %>% select(responseId, choicetask, choiceSituation, choice, block, saw150v125, gender, familyPlan,
age, highHealthInsLit01, percentFPL_100k, rxDevice01, chronicCount, chronicCount1v0, chronicCount2v0, chronicCount3v0) %>%
arrange(responseId, choicetask) %>%
filter(!is.na(age) & !is.na(highHealthInsLit01) & !is.na(percentFPL_100k) & !is.na(rxDevice01) & !is.na(chronicCount1v0) & !is.na(chronicCount2v0) & !is.na(chronicCount3v0)) %>%
lcaData <- remove_all_labels(lcaData)
database <- lcaData
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### Vector of parameters, including any that are kept fixed in estimation
apollo_beta = c(asc_opt_1_a = -0.03,
asc_opt_1_b = -0.02,
asc_opt_1_c = -0.003,
asc_opt_1_d = -0.24,
asc_opt_1_e = -0.24,
asc_opt_2_a = 0,
asc_opt_2_b = 0,
asc_opt_2_c = 0,
asc_opt_2_d = 0,
asc_opt_2_e = 0,
asc_opt_3_a =1.73,
asc_opt_3_b = -3.2,
asc_opt_3_c = -2.9,
asc_opt_3_d = -0.015,
asc_opt_3_e = 0.02,
# oop
b_oop_1v0_a = -0.57,
b_oop_2v0_a = -1.81,
b_oop_3v0_a = -2.23,
b_oop_1v0_b = -0.53,
b_oop_2v0_b = -2.67,
b_oop_3v0_b = -3.35,
b_oop_1v0_c = 0.44,
b_oop_2v0_c = 0.276,
b_oop_3v0_c = -0.067,
b_oop_1v0_d = -0.58,
b_oop_2v0_d = -1.48,
b_oop_3v0_d = -4.37,
b_oop_1v0_e = -0.56,
b_oop_2v0_e = -0.86,
b_oop_3v0_e = -0.81,
# premium
b_premium_1v0_a = 0.079,
b_premium_2v0_a = -0.46,
b_premium_1v0_b = -0.84,
b_premium_2v0_b = -0.87,
b_premium_1v0_c = 0.12,
b_premium_2v0_c = -0.18,
b_premium_1v0_d = 0.13,
b_premium_2v0_d = -1.52,
b_premium_1v0_e = 0.76,
b_premium_2v0_e = -0.19,
# plan type
b_plan_1v0_a = 0.21,
b_plan_2v0_a = -0.13,
b_plan_1v0_b = 0.23,
b_plan_2v0_b = 0.07,
b_plan_1v0_c = -0.013,
b_plan_2v0_c = 0.008,
b_plan_1v0_d = -0.51,
b_plan_2v0_d = 0.04,
b_plan_1v0_e = -0.56,
b_plan_2v0_e = 0.28,
# pcp network
b_pcpNetwork_1v0_a = 1.39,
b_pcpNetwork_2v0_a = 1.77,
b_pcpNetwork_1v0_b = 1.68,
b_pcpNetwork_2v0_b = 1.26,
b_pcpNetwork_1v0_c = 0.44,
b_pcpNetwork_2v0_c = 0.39,
b_pcpNetwork_1v0_d = 4.37,
b_pcpNetwork_2v0_d = 6.4,
b_pcpNetwork_1v0_e = 0.42,
b_pcpNetwork_2v0_e = 0.60,
# rx coverage
b_drugDevice_1v0_a = 1.09,
b_drugDevice_2v0_a = 1.53,
b_drugDevice_1v0_b = 1.13,
b_drugDevice_2v0_b = 1.415,
b_drugDevice_1v0_c = 0.18,
b_drugDevice_2v0_c = 0.42,
b_drugDevice_1v0_d = 1.29,
b_drugDevice_2v0_d = 1.91,
b_drugDevice_1v0_e = 0.66,
b_drugDevice_2v0_e = 0.83,
delta_a = -0.31,
delta_b = 0,
delta_c = -0.67,
delta_d = -0.97,
delta_e = -0.14,
# allow class allocation to vary based on covariates
b_age_a = 0,
b_highHealthInsLit_a = -0.67,
b_pctFPL_a = -0.000845,
b_rxDevice_a = -0.029,
b_countChronic1v0_a = 0,
b_countChronic2v0_a = 0,
b_countChronic3v0_a = 0,
b_age_b = 0,
b_highHealthInsLit_b = 0,
b_pctFPL_b = 0,
b_rxDevice_b = 0,
b_countChronic1v0_b = 0,
b_countChronic2v0_b = 0,
b_countChronic3v0_b = 0,
b_age_c = 0,
b_highHealthInsLit_c = 0.002,
b_pctFPL_c = 0.00119,
b_rxDevice_c = 0.07,
b_countChronic1v0_c = 0,
b_countChronic2v0_c = 0,
b_countChronic3v0_c = 0,
b_age_d = 0,
b_highHealthInsLit_d = 0.03,
b_pctFPL_d = 0.0000357,
b_rxDevice_d = 0.46,
b_countChronic1v0_d = 0,
b_countChronic2v0_d = 0,
b_countChronic3v0_d = 0,
b_age_e = 0,
b_highHealthInsLit_e = 0.139,
b_pctFPL_e = 0.000012,
b_rxDevice_e = 0.429,
b_countChronic1v0_e = 0,
b_countChronic2v0_e = 0,
b_countChronic3v0_e = 0
### Vector with names (in quotes) of parameters to be kept fixed at their starting value in apollo_beta, use apollo_beta_fixed = c() if none
apollo_fixed = c("asc_opt_2_a", "asc_opt_2_b", "asc_opt_2_c", "asc_opt_2_d", "asc_opt_2_e", "delta_b", "b_age_b", "b_highHealthInsLit_b", "b_pctFPL_b", "b_rxDevice_b", "b_countChronic1v0_b", "b_countChronic2v0_b", "b_countChronic3v0_b")
# exp(1.4079)/(exp(0)+exp(1.4079))
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apollo_lcPars=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs){
lcpars = list()
lcpars[["asc_opt_1"]] = list(asc_opt_1_a, asc_opt_1_b, asc_opt_1_c, asc_opt_1_d, asc_opt_1_e)
lcpars[["asc_opt_2"]] = list(asc_opt_2_a, asc_opt_2_b, asc_opt_2_c, asc_opt_2_d, asc_opt_2_e)
lcpars[["asc_opt_3"]] = list(asc_opt_3_a, asc_opt_3_b, asc_opt_3_c, asc_opt_3_d, asc_opt_3_e)
lcpars[["b_oop_1v0"]] = list(b_oop_1v0_a, b_oop_1v0_b, b_oop_1v0_c, b_oop_1v0_d, b_oop_1v0_e)
lcpars[["b_oop_2v0"]] = list(b_oop_2v0_a, b_oop_2v0_b, b_oop_2v0_c, b_oop_2v0_d, b_oop_2v0_e)
lcpars[["b_oop_3v0"]] = list(b_oop_3v0_a, b_oop_3v0_b, b_oop_3v0_c, b_oop_3v0_d, b_oop_3v0_e)
lcpars[["b_premium_1v0"]] = list(b_premium_1v0_a, b_premium_1v0_b, b_premium_1v0_c, b_premium_1v0_d, b_premium_1v0_e)
lcpars[["b_premium_2v0"]] = list(b_premium_2v0_a, b_premium_2v0_b, b_premium_2v0_c, b_premium_2v0_d, b_premium_2v0_e)
lcpars[["b_plan_1v0"]] = list(b_plan_1v0_a, b_plan_1v0_b, b_plan_1v0_c, b_plan_1v0_d, b_plan_1v0_e)
lcpars[["b_plan_2v0"]] = list(b_plan_2v0_a, b_plan_2v0_b, b_plan_2v0_c, b_plan_2v0_d, b_plan_2v0_e)
lcpars[["b_pcpNetwork_1v0"]] = list(b_pcpNetwork_1v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_e)
lcpars[["b_pcpNetwork_2v0"]] = list(b_pcpNetwork_2v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_e)
lcpars[["b_drugDevice_1v0"]] = list(b_drugDevice_1v0_a, b_drugDevice_1v0_b, b_drugDevice_1v0_c, b_drugDevice_1v0_d, b_drugDevice_1v0_e)
lcpars[["b_drugDevice_2v0"]] = list(b_drugDevice_2v0_a, b_drugDevice_2v0_b, b_drugDevice_2v0_c, b_drugDevice_2v0_d, b_drugDevice_2v0_e)
V[["class_a"]] = delta_a + b_age_a*age + b_highHealthInsLit_a*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_a*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_a*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_a*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_a*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_a*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
V[["class_b"]] = delta_b + b_age_b*age + b_highHealthInsLit_b*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_b*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_b*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_b*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_b*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_b*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
V[["class_c"]] = delta_c + b_age_c*age + b_highHealthInsLit_c*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_c*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_c*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_c*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_c*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_c*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
V[["class_d"]] = delta_d + b_age_d*age + b_highHealthInsLit_d*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_d*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_d*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_d*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_d*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_d*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
V[["class_e"]] = delta_e + b_age_e*age + b_highHealthInsLit_e*(highHealthInsLit01==1) + b_pctFPL_e*percentFPL_100k + b_rxDevice_e*(rxDevice01 == 1) + b_countChronic1v0_e*(chronicCount1v0 == 1) + b_countChronic2v0_e*(chronicCount2v0 == 1) + b_countChronic3v0_e*(chronicCount3v0 == 1)
classAlloc_settings = list(
classes = c(class_a=1, class_b=2, class_c=3, class_d=4, class_e=5),
utilities = V
lcpars[["pi_values"]] = apollo_classAlloc(classAlloc_settings)
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# ################################################################# #
apollo_inputs = apollo_validateInputs()
# ################################################################# #
# ################################################################# #
apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){
### Attach inputs and detach after function exit
apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
### Create list of probabilities P
P = list()
### Define settings for MNL model component that are generic across classes
mnl_settings = list(alternatives = c(opt1=1, opt2=2, opt3=3),
choiceVar = choice
### Loop over classes
for(s in 1:length(pi_values)){
### Compute class-specific utilities
V[['opt1']] = asc_opt_1[[s]] + b_oop_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x1 == 1) + b_oop_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x1 == 2) + b_oop_3v0[[s]]*(opt1.x1 == 3) + b_premium_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x2 == 1) + b_premium_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x2 == 2) + b_plan_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x3 ==1) + b_plan_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x3 == 2) + b_pcpNetwork_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x4 == 1) + b_pcpNetwork_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x4 == 2) + b_drugDevice_1v0[[s]]*(opt1.x5 == 1) + b_drugDevice_2v0[[s]]*(opt1.x5 == 2)
V[['opt2']] = asc_opt_2[[s]] + b_oop_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x1 == 1) + b_oop_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x1 == 2) + b_oop_3v0[[s]]*(opt2.x1 == 3) + b_premium_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x2 == 1) + b_premium_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x2 == 2) + b_plan_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x3 ==1) + b_plan_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x3 == 2) + b_pcpNetwork_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x4 == 1) + b_pcpNetwork_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x4 == 2) + b_drugDevice_1v0[[s]]*(opt2.x5 == 1) + b_drugDevice_2v0[[s]]*(opt2.x5 == 2)
V[['opt3']] = asc_opt_3[[s]]
mnl_settings$utilities = V
mnl_settings$componentName = paste0("Class_",s)
### Compute within-class choice probabilities using MNL model
P[[paste0("Class_",s)]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
### Take product across observation for same individual
P[[paste0("Class_",s)]] = apollo_panelProd(P[[paste0("Class_",s)]], apollo_inputs ,functionality)
### Compute latent class model probabilities
lc_settings = list(inClassProb = P, classProb=pi_values)
P[["model"]] = apollo_lc(lc_settings, apollo_inputs, functionality)
### Prepare and return outputs of function
P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
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# ################################################################# #
### Optional starting values search
# apollo_beta=apollo_searchStart(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed,apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)
model=apollo_lcEM(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities,
apollo_inputs, lcEM_settings = list(EMmaxIterations=100))
Code: Select all
Several observations per individual detected based on the value of responseId. Setting
panelData in apollo_control set to TRUE.
All checks on apollo_control completed.
All checks on database completed.
Code: Select all
INFORMATION: The use of apollo_lcEM has a number of requirements. No checks are run for these, so the
user needs to ensure these conditions are met by their model:
1: This function is only suitable for single component models, i.e. no use of
apollo_combineModels or manual multiplication of model components.
2: Any parameters that vary across classes need to be included in the definition of random
parameters in apollo_lcPars.
3: The entries in the lists in apollo_lcPars need to be individual parameters, not functions
Validating inputs of likelihood function (apollo_probabilities)
Error in apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities, :
! SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Parameters asc_opt_1_a, asc_opt_1_b, asc_opt_1_c, asc_opt_1_d, asc_opt_1_e, asc_opt_3_a, asc_opt_3_b, asc_opt_3_c, asc_opt_3_d, asc_opt_3_e, b_oop_1v0_a, b_oop_2v0_a, b_oop_3v0_a, b_oop_1v0_b, b_oop_2v0_b, b_oop_3v0_b, b_oop_1v0_c, b_oop_2v0_c, b_oop_3v0_c, b_oop_1v0_d, b_oop_2v0_d, b_oop_3v0_d, b_oop_1v0_e, b_oop_2v0_e, b_oop_3v0_e, b_premium_1v0_a, b_premium_2v0_a, b_premium_1v0_b, b_premium_2v0_b, b_premium_1v0_c, b_premium_2v0_c, b_premium_1v0_d, b_premium_2v0_d, b_premium_1v0_e, b_premium_2v0_e, b_plan_1v0_a, b_plan_2v0_a, b_plan_1v0_b, b_plan_2v0_b, b_plan_1v0_c, b_plan_2v0_c, b_plan_1v0_d, b_plan_2v0_d, b_plan_1v0_e, b_plan_2v0_e, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_a, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_b, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_c, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_d, b_pcpNetwork_1v0_e, b_pcpNetwork_2v0_e, b_drugDevice_1v0_a, b_drugDevice_2v0_a, b_drugDevice_1v0_b, b_drugDevice_2v0_b, b_drugDevice_1v0_c, b_drugDevice_2v0_c, b_drugDevice_1v0_d, b_drugDevice_2v0_d, b_drugDevice_1v0_e, b_drugDevice_2v0_e do not influence the log-likelihood of your model!
Note that the LC logit model works fine when I remove the length(pi_vals) requirement in the for loop and use regular apollo_estimate()