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  3. Before asking a question on the forum, users are kindly requested to follow these steps:
    1. Check that the same issue has not already been addressed in the forum - there is a search tool.
    2. Ensure that the correct syntax has been used. For any function, detailed instructions are available directly in Apollo, e.g. by using ?apollo_mnl for apollo_mnl
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LC models class probability and confidence interval

Ask questions about the results reported after estimation. If the output includes errors, please include your model code if possible.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Oct 2024, 04:03

LC models class probability and confidence interval

Post by simbala »

Hi Apollo Team,

I have two questions regarding the output, but I couldn't find a solution after reading the manual. Using this LC model as an example ... variates.r

1. Is there a way to save the estimated mean class probability in the output file? For example, if I have 2 classes with the mean probability of 0.7 and 0.3, how can I save those numbers in the final output file?

2. How can I also get the output for the 95% confidence interval of the estimates? I can figure out a way to output the p-values by adding

Code: Select all

saveOutput_settings = list(printPVal=2)
Is there a similar way to get and save 95% CI as well?

Thank you in advance for your help!
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Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: LC models class probability and confidence interval

Post by stephanehess »


1. the mean class probabilites are saved in the output file alraedy, see e.g. at ... output.txt

2. we do not automatically compute CIs. You can compute those easily as the estimate +/- 1.96 * s.e.

Stephane Hess
Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Oct 2024, 04:03

Re: LC models class probability and confidence interval

Post by simbala »

Hi Professor Hess,

Thank you! I just checked I used the same code from ... output.txt, but my output file looked different. I am missing many parts of the output, including summary of model component. I couldn't identify where it might have gone wrong. Could you help me with this issue?

What I got is

Code: Select all

Model run by xx using Apollo 0.3.3 on R 4.4.1 for Windows.
Please acknowledge the use of Apollo by citing Hess & Palma (2019)
  DOI 10.1016/j.jocm.2019.100170

Model name                                  : LC_with_covariates
Model description                           : LC model with covariates in class allocation model on Swiss route choice data
Model run at                                : 2024-10-30 14:48:30.092399
Estimation method                           : bgw
Model diagnosis                             : Relative function convergence
Optimisation diagnosis                      : Maximum found
     hessian properties                     : Negative definite
     maximum eigenvalue                     : -8.872086
     reciprocal of condition number         : 5.37477e-05
Number of individuals                       : 388
Number of rows in database                  : 3492
Number of modelled outcomes                 : 3492

Number of cores used                        :  2 
Model without mixing

LL(start)                                   : -1755.5
LL (whole model) at equal shares, LL(0)     : -2420.47
LL (whole model) at observed shares, LL(C)  : -2420.39
LL(final, whole model)                      : -1559.01
Rho-squared vs equal shares                  :  0.3559 
Adj.Rho-squared vs equal shares              :  0.3509 
Rho-squared vs observed shares               :  0.3559 
Adj.Rho-squared vs observed shares           :  0.3518 
AIC                                         :  3142.03 
BIC                                         :  3215.93 

LL(0,Class_1)                    : -2420.47
LL(final,Class_1)                : -1776.33
LL(0,Class_2)                    : -2420.47
LL(final,Class_2)                : -2467.09

Estimated parameters                        : 12
Time taken (hh:mm:ss)                       :  00:00:3.93 
     pre-estimation                         :  00:00:2.74 
     estimation                             :  00:00:0.41 
     post-estimation                        :  00:00:0.77 
Iterations                                  :  23  

Unconstrained optimisation.

Summary of class allocation for model component :

Overview of choices for MNL model component Class_1:
                                    alt1    alt2
Times available                  3492.00 3492.00
Times chosen                     1734.00 1758.00
Percentage chosen overall          49.66   50.34
Percentage chosen when available   49.66   50.34

Overview of choices for MNL model component Class_2:
                                    alt1    alt2
Times available                  3492.00 3492.00
Times chosen                     1734.00 1758.00
Percentage chosen overall          49.66   50.34
Percentage chosen when available   49.66   50.34

Classical covariance matrix:

Robust covariance matrix:

Classical correlation matrix:
Robust correlation matrix:

 20 most extreme outliers in terms of lowest average per choice prediction:
Changes in parameter estimates from starting values:

Settings and functions used in model definition:

modelName              "example_LC_with_covariates"                                                           
modelDescr             "LC model with covariates in class allocation model on Swiss route choice data"
indivID                "ID"                                                                           
nCores                 "2"                                                                            
outputDirectory        "results/"                                                                     
debug                  "FALSE"                                                                        
workInLogs             "FALSE"                                                                        
seed                   "13"                                                                           
mixing                 "FALSE"                                                                        
HB                     "FALSE"                                                                        
noValidation           "FALSE"                                                                        
noDiagnostics          "FALSE"                                                                        
calculateLLC           "TRUE"                                                                         
analyticHessian        "FALSE"                                                                        
memorySaver            "FALSE"                                                                        
panelData              "TRUE"                                                                         
analyticGrad           "TRUE"                                                                         
analyticGrad_manualSet "FALSE"                                                                        
overridePanel          "FALSE"                                                                        
preventOverridePanel   "FALSE"                                                                        
noModification         "FALSE"                                                                        

Hessian routines attempted
numerical jacobian of LL analytical gradient

Scaling used in computing Hessian
asc_1           0.03462696
beta_tt_a       0.03724285
beta_tt_b       0.20952989
beta_tc_a       0.04989347
beta_tc_b       0.77576327
beta_hw_a       0.03426097
beta_hw_b       0.05466599
beta_ch_a       0.60949847
beta_ch_b       2.67045554
delta_a         0.20944353
gamma_commute_a 0.43370076
gamma_car_av_a  0.58813204

function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs){
  lcpars = list()
  lcpars[["beta_tt"]] = list(beta_tt_a, beta_tt_b)
  lcpars[["beta_tc"]] = list(beta_tc_a, beta_tc_b)
  lcpars[["beta_hw"]] = list(beta_hw_a, beta_hw_b)
  lcpars[["beta_ch"]] = list(beta_ch_a, beta_ch_b)
  ### Utilities of class allocation model
  V[["class_a"]] = delta_a + gamma_commute_a*commute + gamma_car_av_a*car_availability
  V[["class_b"]] = delta_b + gamma_commute_b*commute + gamma_car_av_b*car_availability
  ### Settings for class allocation models
  classAlloc_settings = list(
    classes      = c(class_a=1, class_b=2), 
    utilities    = V  
  lcpars[["pi_values"]] = apollo_classAlloc(classAlloc_settings)

function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){
  ### Attach inputs and detach after function exit
  apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
  on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
  ### Create list of probabilities P
  P = list()
  ### Define settings for MNL model component that are generic across classes
  mnl_settings = list(
    alternatives = c(alt1=1, alt2=2),
    avail        = list(alt1=1, alt2=1),
    choiceVar    = choice
  ### Loop over classes
  for(s in 1:2){
    ### Compute class-specific utilities
    V[["alt1"]]  = asc_1 + beta_tc[[s]]*tc1 + beta_tt[[s]]*tt1 + beta_hw[[s]]*hw1 + beta_ch[[s]]*ch1
    V[["alt2"]]  = asc_2 + beta_tc[[s]]*tc2 + beta_tt[[s]]*tt2 + beta_hw[[s]]*hw2 + beta_ch[[s]]*ch2
    mnl_settings$utilities     = V
    mnl_settings$componentName = paste0("Class_",s)
    ### Compute within-class choice probabilities using MNL model
    P[[paste0("Class_",s)]] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
    ### Take product across observation for same individual
    P[[paste0("Class_",s)]] = apollo_panelProd(P[[paste0("Class_",s)]], apollo_inputs ,functionality)
  ### Compute latent class model probabilities
  lc_settings  = list(inClassProb = P, classProb=pi_values)
  P[["model"]] = apollo_lc(lc_settings, apollo_inputs, functionality)
  ### Prepare and return outputs of function
  P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
Thank you!
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Posts: 1232
Joined: 24 Apr 2020, 16:29

Re: LC models class probability and confidence interval

Post by stephanehess »


do you see the estimates on screen if you use apollo_modelOutput?

We've never seen this issue before and it might be specific to your machine

Stephane Hess
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