I am having trouble installing and using Apollo. I work at an organization where R is opened using a remote application (not shared folder; I access the applications by signing into the remote computer via a web link). My working directory on the other hand is in a shared folder.
I think my issue must be related to this guidance from the website:
I have tried typing in .libPaths() and get the following result:Often computers from big organisations will install R packages in shared libraries (that is in folders in the private company network). R does not like its libraries to be in shared folders. As a general recommendation, always install packages in local libraries, i.e. in a folder in the local hard drive. You can see your active libraries by typing .libPaths(). This will list the active libraries. If the local library is, for example, the second one in the list, you should keep only that one by typing .libPaths(.libPaths()[2]). Then you should try installing Apollo again.
[1] "C:/Users/my.username/Documents/R/win-library/3.6"
[2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.2/library"
Both these libraries are on my local computer.
Can anyone please advise how to install Apollo in this situation? Thank you!
Thank you!